
Venus in 11th House

Every planet has got some inherent characteristics which makes it unique. These characteristics get chance to blossom according to the house a planet gets, relationship it make with other planets and the sign in which it is placed. The eleventh house is best described where our dreams, hopes and desire reside, where we interact with others and form our ‘company’, this is the house to look to decide how is one’s social networking going to look like. The Venus on other hand symbolizes finer things, people and events. What is actually finer? The definition obviously is strictly personal here and in general Venus represents desire. Desire to look good, feel good, do good and satisfy your senses with good objects. The degree and quality of good here naturally differs as per our social background and upbringing .So when we look at basic impulse of Venus and inherent nature of 11th house, we see a connect, we notice that somewhere their nature sync and this planet being here is in full authority to display its most basic traits in full form ad might.
Venus here in 11th house of a chart makes one extremely social and for the ones having this placement, a large networking group is essential. Assuming this planet to be healthy and strong, these individuals have specific goals and aims about their future. They are generally very open persons and as a result they have many friends and acquaintances. But the important aspect here is that they like to associate with others not just for fun, but for fulfilling their objectives too. Its not about getting self centered ,it’s about carefully organizing one’s life and choosing selected ones so that they fit perfectly  in their own scheme of realizing their dreams. They like to associate with people and institutions with social importance and exploring cultural differences comes easy to them. For them it’s a matter of pride what they have achieved in their lives, and depending on relationship of this Venus with other planets, this display can vary, from plain show off to absolute obsession.

They are destined to get immense help from their immediate environment for their sustained growth. Owing to their charm and tremendous popularity they attract crowd towards them and even great support from their siblings is present for them. In terms of their relationship, they tend to get attracted to someone well established in their lives. Love and relationships mean more to them rather than just deriving pleasure out of them. They look for inspiration in people around them and owing to this, they generally form close bonding with someone in their circle, resulting in tendencies to choose their own partners. Their refined taste needs mention here. They are extremely interested in all finer aspects, be it listening or else creating music, be it enjoying artistic drawings of someone else, or their own desire to do something creative, underlying theme remains to crave for something outstanding, something beyond the reach of average humanity. This self demarcation often becomes a reason for their overly swelled egos. They somehow feel that they deserve more than others.

Regardless of their outer appearance, they are generally tender beings inside. Their thought patterns are simple are these individuals are quite emotional and sensitive beings. Esoterically this placement of Venus signify a Soul who has to experience contrast and immense cultural diversity to grow and evolve. They are generally immensely focused and are much learned personalities. When the overall features of chart support this Venus, such individuals achieve high in life and a simple nursery rhyme comes in my mind to capture the essence here, Twinkle, twinkle, little star ,How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

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        11th House | 12th House

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