
Venus in 12th House

The planet which primarily signifies ability to give and receive love, goes to twelfth house. The results pronounced in classical texts are too crude and make immediate dent in our psyches. Whenever the sensitive houses are matter of study, it is responsibility of both astrologer, who should be termed as counselor in more appropriate terms, and of the recipient to view results in their guiding form .It is important to acknowledge that planets in one’s chart only indicates ,i.e they are not the one who decides ,rather they only show what’s in store in your  Karmic bucket. So taking full responsibility and affirming faith that somewhere it has got deep message for you, such understanding only will bring true guidance. Coming to our topic here, its good to once again know what really is 12th house. Twelfth house stands for all invisible things, which exerts influence over us. Our own subconscious mind is brilliant example. Dreams, unfulfilled desires, Universal consciousness are some other defining traits for this house.

 Venus when placed in 12th house in the birth chart needs some time to come to the terms with what is real and what not. Tracing their journey right from their childhood is absolutely necessary to fully understand how and why part of their personality. The individuals have somewhat suppressed childhood where they were not allowed to ask for things they always wanted, love and care was given scantly and often their inner voice was unheard, which screamed for gentle touch of love. Unless counterbalanced by other planetary forces, such Venus bring passive childhood, where one wait for things to be given, and asking part is stifled strongly. The reasons could be many, like the home environment could be too challenging for love to flow smoothly, else parents can be too busy or dry to give attention to their kids, whatever be the reason, the ones having this placement might have challenging initial years, with some prominent scars left in their subconscious mind.

As they grow, they develop many layers around them which indeed help them evolve as a person. But again the deeper psychology  needs to be studied here to fully comprehend the mechanisms how Venus works in this house. In order to quench the thirst for attention and love, they often become self-centered ,it’s important to identify here itself that the term is not selfish. They attach themselves to many objects, things, people, events ,to make themselves feel better and to develop a sense of usefulness and being well deserved. They shop a lot, they collect things, they will usually have huge wardrobes full of fancy things. In their relationships they tend to set tremendous expectations from their partners or else in their love life, which might become matter of disappointment for them. However they are seldom blunt in asking what they want in their relationships and expect other to understand it implicitly. Also they do not generally like to talk about their personal life in pubic and their relationship details might remain undisclosed for long times.

They are pretty shy, silent and observe more than speak, but their inner mind and dialog with the self is too noisy. They like to travel and experience more, in order to escape their confining feelings. But as they grow old, they become more and more relaxed and Self approval finally comes to them. Turning attention from what seems invisible to what is visible, it’s worth talking about their talents and capabilities. They are truly artistic personalities with interest and capabilities in many things, they can sing, paint, dance very beautifully. But they feel resistant in showcasing their talents, which once removed, would fully enable them to win appreciation from all, as their talents are genuine and well formed. Also they are highly compassionate beings who can understand the pain of others too. Their compassion and sensitiveness comes from their own experiences. So for them it is very easy to shower love and blessings on others. They do extremely well as healers, teachers ,writers, preachers .They are very quick to understand the Spiritual essence of things and events. The words of Mary Manin will say it all for Venus in 12th house personalities, Have you ever struggled to find work or love, only to find them after you have given up? This is the paradox of letting go. Let go, in order to achieve. Letting go is God's law.  

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        11th House | 12th House

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