
Venus in 8th House

Talking in language of aphorism, cure for an obsession is to get another one. In context of our subject it applies to great extent, it catches the nerve indeed. Venus in eight house modify the behavior of this otherwise soft and gentle planet, and give colors of passion, and to be more precise, obsession to it. Whatever house is governed by Venus, those affairs would occupy one’s mind in very prominent way. This planet has been considered to be intimately connected with love and relationships and indeed it signify the outlook and method in which love will be expressed. Those who have this placement seek fierce commitment in their personal relationships, their expression of love is generally very straight and intense. When the fine line is crossed, then obsession with their lovers or else with the idea of love itself happens with them. To say that love becomes a necessity for them and not a luxury won’t be incorrect.

This passion and intensity in their behavior do not just remain confined to their relationship aspect, rather many times we see they being involved whole heartedly in whatever they do. They are deeply attached to their jobs or at least the quality of work they offer and have constant urge to improve themselves. The thirst for respect and recognition often drives their personal ambitions. They can be strongly decisive in nature and their will powers are often exemplary. The deeper aspect of this placement needs to be understood to comprehend it completely .Venus placed here in strength generally do not satisfied with superficial aspects of anything, it needs penetration, it want to feel the height and depth as well in their lives and as this planet majorly signify ability to give and receive love ,this intensity and craving hovers around their partners. They won’t hesitate in saying or doing things which will seem crazy to third person as for them rituals and outer meaning of words or act really do not hold any value. This aspect bring element of unconventional approach in their relationships, as they think very freely. At subconscious level they expect their partners to understand them which often result in their lack of desire to explicitly express their feelings, because they don’t feel the need for it. But when required, they can be so intense in elaborating their need for being loved that both words and feelings will lag behind.

They can become quite attached with respect to their appearance and are sensitive to criticism. Such Venus makes one very much concerned to beautifying oneself as appreciation matters a lot to these persons. Once they pick any habit it becomes difficult for them to leave it, they remain vulnerable of becoming slaves of their own tastes. Their habits and tendencies do not just lie at the level of their personalities rather sink deep in their subconscious minds. The underlying essence of Venus in eight house is to enjoy people, things and events in their very intense way, that too in their own style. These people generally deviate from established belief systems and show remarkably innovative thinking patterns. Some challenging events in  their life ,generally experiences with their partners or else with the females in their family, shapes their belief system to great extent. In esoteric sense this Venus doesn’t get satisfy with shallow aspects and accordingly Spirituality for them won’t be following the tradition or crowd, but when convinced deeply, they can come out as natural worshippers and potential as disciple of feminine power is huge.

Depending on other planetary relationship with this Venus, line is drawn. The line after which their thoughts, feeling and behavior begin to take dangerous and an intense shape. When under affliction then this Venus can throw one in worlds of lust and jealousy. A healthy Venus here gives one a beautiful appearance and how do I look becomes central to their existence .Their words are often crowd puller. They speak to influence, to make a lasting impact and their voice often steers through the hearts of others. Financially they are lucky and apart from earning from their own skills they do stand the chance to receive huge amount in legacies. Here Venus is not just beautiful and charming but grand and majestic, like a beauty queen driving her luxury car at 180 km per hour. It not just expects ,but desire and desire not just in hope to achieve ,but to win.  

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