
Venus in 9th House

The planet of internal and outer beautification, the Goddess of Love, Venus when placed in ninth house of the chart gives immense love for exploration & gaining and spreading knowledge. These people are very gentle and admirable. Venus here is free to receive and give love in unattached mode ,i.e. these persons do not have a rigid or very clingy idea of love, so accordingly they are usually not possessive, they like to give freedom to their partners. Now coming on exploration part, they are very much interested in learning new things in life as in many cases we will see them getting many degrees in their life in pursuit of something more refined. They are constant explorers of better lifestyle and are extremely receptive to any kind of feedback, though other planets needs to be taken in consideration before drawing any final picture about the chart.

Venus here gives one ample support from their immediate environment and their friends, siblings feel very comfortable with them and in fact play an  important role in their growth story. Talking about the essence of this placement is necessary to fully comprehend what it means to have Venus in 9th house. Being the house of travel and learning, it gives tremendous desire to travel new places and meet many people, hence these people become very accommodative. Their vision is generally very uplifting and they want to carry all with them. Feeling of altruism often shows in them. When this planet is in strength here then one become capable of writing good stuff, imagination soars within and many poets and author will find this placement very encouraging. The desire to learn do not just remain confined within their lives, rather often they are seen to be engaged in imparting knowledge and association with some kind of institution is part of their  life. In their partners too, they search for opportunities to grow and it can manifest in very subtle ways. Marrying or falling in love with a person of different culture, or nation, seems to fulfill this purpose, for example. Whether it’s clear on the Conscious level or not, these people constantly look for knowing and spreading more knowledge.

In esoteric sense these people like to go on path already travelled ,as they like it smooth. They do want to explore but with strong sense of security behind them. So in Spiritual or religious sense they might behave quite traditional and though at times they do like to experiment and know more beyond their experiences, in general they will peacefully follow the established traditions. They are very cautious in taking any bold decision and would normally resist doing it all alone. In their quest to explore more, they develop interest in many artistic activities. Music and dance being inherent characteristics of this planet, one is born with natural aptitude to become a fine dancer, singer and even grow as a classical writer or orator. Deep interest in appreciating and even drawing beautiful paintings and almost all kinds of arts develop in them as they progress. This position of Venus is indeed very auspicious and words of T. S. Eliot might say it all here We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. 
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