
Year Ahead 2014 : Capricorn

Expansion realms
The essence of this year for you is well presented by words of motivational speaker Tony Robbins; It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.You enter in the year with strong determination to get the hold of your destiny. With all of your learning in past, the belief in destiny is fading in you and you want to be in driver’s seat now, and that’s what this year is all about .You pull your socks and jump into action rather than waiting for something to happen. The first five months are extremely active with tremendous focus coming in you. You carve out a definitive plan for yourself ,so it’s you long term vision which will see expansion in this year. The time period till June is very favourable and inspiring, and its pleasure to hear how.

The first half of the year symbolises the time when you will act in great style and your focus will be something to watch out for. You not only perform but lead. Yes it’s the year when your leadership skills will find platform. You shine with your aggression and with passionate attitude to meet the deadlines at work. The underlying theme for Capricorn people will be their expanding visions for future accompanied with their honest and inspired actions. With continuation of the trend, your public image will soar, how people think about you will undergo a positive change. The air about you will gradually change to something more comfortable and charm is sure to become part of your personality.
It’s actually the second half of the year which is something magical there to lookout for. There are loads of positive events waiting for you, which you truly deserve coming through bit of rough and testing times. Not just one, the healthy expansive touch will visit many areas of your existence. Its the year when your love life will bounce back, and that too in real great way. The months post July are highly potent in bringing fresh breeze of love in your life. Singles can expect new relationships to develop in their lives whose nature would be much sound and long term commitment can be expected out of it.This year symbolises greater harmony and understanding between you and your partner in generic sense. So your personal as well public relationships would see pleasant rise and expansion. In same months greater cooperation and support will come through co-workers and a much cheerful and enthusiastic atmosphere will prevail at your workplace. Financially too, the second half would broaden your earning equation and how and from where will come in focus. For the ones waiting to get into some new venture looking for new source of earning, this year seems perfect to begin with. The months between June to Sept can see many celebrations and good news in your personal lives. With new ideas and fiery enthusiasm in first half along with stroke of good luck and people’s support in second part, this year is quite ideal to lay foundation for your long term dreams and aspirations.

Winds of change
There are many areas where these winds will blow but the best part is most of them would be in your favour and change happening will be for good .The first change would come in your approach. You tend to put more belief in your own actions rather than looking heaven wards for some grace. Your attitude becomes sharper when dealing with criticism and in matters of accepting challenges. Your career itself is looking up for a much needed makeover, either in present place you will be bombarded with much bigger roles and responsibilities else finding a fresh new place to work is possible too. The first half is quite potent in this context. So change in how and where you work is waiting to creep in.
Change is clearly seen in your relationship status and in your way of handling them.Its time to bid adieu to old and rotten relationships giving a way to some new and stable ones to grow in your life. Your public relationship skills too get a makeover. A change in where you live is also seen in initial half of the year with quite strong probability to relocate in search for better prospects. This in subtle sense means reorganisation within yourself and in your surroundings to find a balance between your work and home.

Potential lessons
Though this year is going to better with each day passing, the lessons and challenges are not totally absent. The first and foremost lesson, which will remain strong in first four months of year is to strike a balance between your work and personal lives. You have been literally slogging at workplace with minimal results of your all the hard work ,to add to it, your hyperactive attitude with desire to achieve big and that too instantaneously, might force you to take wrong decisions. So lesson here is not to lose long term vision while taking your decisions and weighing all pros and cons quite well.The months of Feb and March are sensitive in this context.
Another challenge might arise in your family where there could be some difference of opinion arising between you and your close ones,so lesson here is to keep yourself open for changes happening around you and giving respect to other’s opinion and decisions ,this would become necessary to avoid issues of serious nature. In latter half of the year, as Jupiter activates the triangle of Maya for you ,it would be wise not to lose term vision in momentary pleasures, which would get available to you in plenty as this year progresses.

Spiritual Journey
You can comfortably put learning in the box with nothing substantial happening in the visible world. This is the year to sow the seeds rather than waiting to receive the fruits and in your desire to refresh your life, you seem in no mood to stop and pay attention to why and how part. This year symbolises disinterest in religious or Spiritual activities in general. With your material triangle getting ignited, this is the year to quench the thirst of your desires rather than bothering about your Soul’s whispers. Overall a passionate and fiery year ahead where many milestones will be achieved and thousands seeds will be sown for the future.

 For Other Zodiac Signs, New Year 2014  :

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