
Year Ahead 2014 : Sagittarius

Expansion realms

Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all, said Sam Ewing. But you are sure to turn up, with both your sleeves up. This is the year to gain spotlight and shine, shine brightly. The expansion areas are many, to your delight and not just in words, this year is going to make a big impact in your lives. This year starts with things getting sorted out at  your workplace and with clearing of some blockages from your financial matters, and it will get better as you set in the year. The most important area where huge expansion can be expected is in the quality of your work. You will gain tremendous focus, yes the word is tremendous, in the work you do. The initial six months are almost superb for establishing well in your career and act in style and authority. Almost all the planets are favoring you, which is kind of rare for any sign.

 You expand your visions and desires and not just hope, but act. This is the time to connect well with others and bring out your leadership skills. Not just leadership skills, it will be your intellectual  might which too will find a way for its full display and be assured, it will get noticed. New exciting career opportunities are open for you and you can seize them, as you look pretty well set. Not just work, you are sure to earn handsomely in this year. For the ones who are thinking of jumping into new venture, starting something of their own, this is the year to begin with. The time till July is perfect to expand your reach, build your network, influence others through your inspired acts as well as with fiery and passionate words. It will be the time to lay foundation for your future. The essence of this year for you is to explore your surroundings, gather resources and build a blue print for your future. The necessary inner push and inner guidance will be available in bounty.

As you enter the second half of the year ,your focus will change and it will fold itself towards your innermost shell. After expanding your reach in starting months of the year, you will begin to turn more inwards and will get involved in inner engineering, that will be the time for deep introspection and might result in big changes in your belief system and approach towards life people and events. This is sure to reflect in your behavior as well. Your intuitive voice will become very prominent post August and it would be brilliant idea to pay sincere attention to your gut feelings thereafter. In material sense second half of the year will add many assets to your life. A new vehicle, some property might  be brought and celebrations happening, especially in months between July-September . The months of August to November will bring lot of reshuffling at your workplace and travel too. Overall a good year, when many areas will see brilliant expansion in your life.

Winds of change

There are few changes which might occur in your life this year. First is a change in your place of residence. Yes in first half of the year you can change your place, and reason could be your career as it remains in sharp focus in initial  months. Change will also come in the quality of your efforts that you put at your workplace. This will give a way to new perceptions about you, with a more sound and firm image appearing. On subtle levels the first six months may critically alter your belief system and many of you would adopt a fresh and enthusiastic approach towards your career and other tasks in general. The latter half of the year will bring most of the changes and reshuffling and your public as well as personal relationship status will change. Now how exactly this change will be will depend on individual charts, but in very generic sense you need to put extra efforts in keeping  your image up and peace intact within your surroundings. Financially the second half will bring a big change in your outlook towards investment and how you earn and how much you earn, the expanding theme there will give you ample chances to experiment with your money. But given the fiery aggression in you, you would quickly adapt to all changes occurring in and around you.

Potential lessons

Frankly, this year Sagittarius people are blessed as the baggage of learning is quite less. Still few things will come your way which would want you to grab their inner essence. The first potential lesson is contained in initial five months when you should learn to stay calm and composed amid visible contradictions in your life. In these months, you can  witness deep level of confusions within you as well in your surroundings. But the main lesson as well as the challenge would be to channelize your out bursting energies. This year your energy levels are going to shoot up like never before with burning desire to achieve high in your life and owing to such driving force you will undertake many activities out of which many would be started under pure impulse without weighing pros and cons. So the lesson here is to refine your actions keeping in mind the long term prospective rather than getting swept by momentary impulses.

The lessons might not be too many in quantity but certainly are big on quality, quality of attention which they demand from you. The time period post July require you to cultivate cautious attitude about money. It’s not that the time won’t be suitable regarding your money matters, rather your carelessness amid prosperity and losing the long term vision might pose challenge in long run. Last but certainly not the least, you need to learn the art of co-existing. How you deal in your relationships like with friends, relatives your partner, teacher, parents or in fact any close one would come under scanner with some visible signs of conflicts and challenges in some of such areas. So you need to allow others to keep their views fully and freely in front of you. As year progresses accompanied with your willingness to learn these lessons, you would emerge as more tolerant and organized personality, much adored by others and more importantly, Self approved.

Spiritual Journey

Who has the time to stop and bother about the learning and inner journey when so much needs to be achieved ? This exactly will be your inner voice as you enter this year and the scenario further intensify as you progress. With whirlpool of events, lists of action plans and endless inner debate happening inside you about what and how should  you achieve your goals, you really won’t care about what subtle  lessons are to be learnt and whether your are growing in inner realm or not. But gradually as you slow down a bit in latter months, post July, your energies will turn inward. With mighty Jupiter coming in your eight house and igniting all the major Spiritual houses, your inner journey would come alive and that too in a grand way. Your aptitude for learning, knowing the inner essence the why part will return in you .Inquisitiveness will see huge increase and you will begin to introspect more before taking any action. From gross material bondages to gradual yet strong Spiritual lightness, you would feel the sensations of both this year.

For the evolved ones and genuine aspirants, this year is perfect to march ahead in Spiritual world. Taking initiation, finding a Guru, going in far off places in search for something really meaningful(which by the way seems of no consequence, initially, if weighed in terms of loss and gain in pure practical sense),all happens to you. Getting lost in deep spells of Meditation is clearly seen, especially in months of August and onwards. In very generic sense these times will bring strong intuitive powers to you and possibility of other unexplained phenomena too exists like meaningful dreams, sudden flashes of some vision and alike. But the underlying theme in Spiritual journey could be summarized in just one word, revival. Your journey will revive and refresh itself in a majestic manner. A grand year indeed to flourish and blossom in both of your worlds.

For Other Zodiac Signs, New Year 2014  :

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