
Questionaire - February 2014

Question :
I have a very big doubt regarding the Fate vs Will power.
i think, the fate we created upon our actions/karma in previous life times, can be changed by the will we project in this particular life time. i also believe God has given us abundant liberty, and bless us always.
One astrologer friend told me that, you donot need to do/try anything, at right time Guru(indicator of spouse for Women) will appear. I wonder these words, how is this possible!
-They say marriage is made in heaven, So, Is it predetermined ?
Is marriage predetermined or/and the person we marry predetermined ?
What about other life events, can they be changed or predetermined as well?

In my own very personal views, which have been formed(and still going on) through witnessing what planets promises in birth chart of hundreds of people and how this promise actually manifest, the presence of strong element of Fate has been experienced repeatedly. There are areas ,which are visible in birth chart, where this predestination is clearly felt. Fate as it is called is formed continuously, and it is not some isolated big junk of matter from some previous life. When I am writing this piece, even now I am creating some form of Karma, so its ever going process.

When we talk about whether we can change Fate, through application of will, then this very statement is contradictory in deeper sense .Taking a very precise example here, there are people whose birth chart indicate childlessness, whose combinations can be seen quite clearly in their main and divisional charts. When any pattern repeats itself in birth chart,then it can be a case of predestination owing to some strong Karmic factors. Now if that’s the case, then how exactly one can apply his or her will here? Taking proper medical treatment comes as the first thought, but as a matter of fact, people approach astrology only when seemingly straight and practical methods fails them. Moreover if something is seen as highly probable(or improbable) then, your free will will actually act in the way of its fulfillment. Karma and rebirth in Hindu astrology from Shri K.N Rao is a marvelous research work where Shri Rao has explained how one’s previous Karma influence present life (and how this Karma is responsible for positioning of planets in present birth chart)

Certain amount of free will should be present for sure, otherwise our whole existence would be meaningless, otherwise from where this ‘Fate’ was originally created? .When we live consciously then through application of our honest intent and actions we might not be able to change some strongly predestined events, but can surely bear them more gracefully. And when it exhaust, we can create new threads of Karma  in more awareness, which will again serve as ‘Fate’ in our future lives.

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