
Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Libra Sign

And thou will give thyself relief, if thou does every act of thy life as if it were the last - Marcus Aurelius

More transformation is on its way for Libra people and your inner desire for things to take concrete shape is now ready to manifest. The test from Saturn though continues but Jupiter coming into your house of Karma that too in exalted(very powerful ) state will bring quite drastic changes in your life. For Libra people impact areas are the most basic pillars i.e family and work. It is no surprise that why the most basic areas come under scanner, it’s the all part of grand plan where Librans are thoroughly tested by Saturn, and Jupiter is now ready to provide you with a layer of protection and gives you a support, though from the behind.

 Perhaps most important change will be seen in the area of work, as Jupiter himself will be transiting your career house. The manifestation can literally be many depending upon individual time periods. Talking in generic sense, this is the time when one give radical thought about way of working. How and where one works gains the limelight. You will either think of changing your job as this transit generally brings stagnancy in present profile and one start to look for better opportunities. Else you can expect a considerable change in your present workplace only with either change in profile or else change in the way of your working. Atmosphere at workplace is bound to change and much help can be expected from people around you. Here most important aspect should be remembered; Jupiter blesses in disguise here, so effects will not be visible right away, rather you need to garner the belief that everything happening around you has a precise meaning and would ultimately work in your favor.

Another area where this transit will make a pleasant presence felt is your finances. Yes its time for your wealth to grow. You preserve, you invest, you feel the growing abundance in your life, gradually. You also begin to link your self-image to your work. This transit will impact your self-esteem and it’s time for typical healthy and optimistic Jupitarian influence to affect your subconscious mind. Its time to re-build confidence in your abilities. Jupiter offers you a hand to make you stand once again firmly, all you need to do is work on those small voices coming from inside. You will get strong intuitive insights about how you can alter your life and here lies the essence of this transit for you ; Your real change will come through working diligently on the ‘right’ things, that you feel within your heart.

Coming times will give you opportunity to clean up mess from your inner mind and face issues troubling your family. You will get much  needed enthusiasm and courage to solve pending matters in your life and this year promises much happiness and lighter times in your personal lives. In the later part of this transit, many of you can expect to add asset like new vehicle or a some property, but these aspects needs to be given consideration only after November this year.

Jupiter transit for you will bring lot of changes, at relatively slow pace that will initiate a journey whose impact will become visible in longer run. Perseverance does pay, and Jupiter transit for you people is going to demonstrate it, live for you.

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