
Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Virgo Sign

Diligence is the mother of good luck said the Benjamin Franklin.

And it’s time for your Diligence to pay you back. Of all the zodiac signs ,sign Virgo is going to witness best of what Jupiter has to offer in Cancer sign, and you people deserve it to the core. Jupiter is in mighty position for you people as it will enter your eleventh house, illuminating your entire life and giving you extremely bright rays of hope. Coming out from severe test of Saturn since last many years, this is the year to be reborn, to come back to track once again and that too pretty fast. Most of the impact areas for Virgo people would lie in visible domain ,i.e changes happening around  will take concrete shape without requiring you to undergo any drastic personality changes. It’s the year to reap benefits of all of your past Karmas, for all of that patience, for holding on to your nerves, its payback time from the Cosmos, and that too in a Grand way.

There will be multiple areas where these extremely optimistic and healthy changes will get initiated, and most importantly, things would happen in parallel, as if some Universal manager is doing a brilliant multitasking for you. Increased wealth and feeling of abundance is the essence of this transit for you. In your work either you are all set for a big change or else you might continue at same place but with considerable hike and a better role. For the ones in business, this is the time to expand the reach, make new plans and enjoy heavy benefits. Jupiter in eleventh house is a sign of extreme luck in financial matters as if Goddess Lakshmi has arrived to live in your house with all of Her might. This is time when Jupiter will give you a Midas touch.

Atmosphere at workplace will also see a positive trend setting in.Co-workers offering help, turning very friendly to you. This transit indicates much better times where your social image will see an upward trend .Admiration, recognition of your ideas and work and what not. Whole lot of new people will enter your lives making critical contribution in your own growth. Not just for reaping benefits of past, this is also the year for making new plans and goals for the future and act on them as soon as possible because tide is going to be in your favor entirely, especially after November this year.

This is the most auspicious time for pursuing education and your general interest in gaining knowledge will increase tremendously. Apart from formal education, you will put efforts in understanding complex matters and philosophies. The typical Jupitarian influence will rekindle your intellectual cravings. In your personal life too, this is the year to fall in love and even marriage is possible for eligible ones. For settled ones, this transit will bring lot of health and happiness in family life.

Such times bring enormous amount of luck, and you can expect to grow as per your intentions and desire. Chains around you will be loosened and track readied, now it’s all up to you how fast and passionately you can run. Best way to describe this healthy phase can be summarized in exact three words ; Ask, Believe, Receive.

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