
Direction of Life force and Ascendant ruler

The higher and more mature use of astrology is to see where does an individual stands in process of evolution. When one takes birth, one’ s primary motivation factor, important characteristics traits and evolutionary path are shown by position of planets. Where and how one would feel comfortable, what would be the areas which will give one a feeling of being in harmony with self and how basic impulse in person would express itself, these all questions can be answered through placement of Moon, the nature of ascendant and positioning of ascendant lord .How and where ascendant lord(first house ruler) is placed in chart decides ,rather show, where individual will find his or her motivation and basic life force .Let’s try to touch the essence of it in brief.

When ascendant lord is placed in ascendant itself(first house lord in first house) it shows a person who will be concerned with him or herself mostly .It shows life revolving around one. If there is negative impact on ascendant then this can also mean self-centeredness and even selfish tendencies .In general this placement means one is born for self-glory and desires, aspirations, excitement all would revolve primarily around individual only .Life thrust is very high and such people grow at very rapid pace in life owing to their extremely focused energies.

When ascendant lord is in second house(first house lord in second house) then one’s motivation is family and continuous learning .One will devote oneself to self-learning and irrespective of level of formal education, one will be engaged in gaining knowledge from everywhere. Welfare of loved ones and building a secure family environment along with desire to amass huge wealth are primary impulses of such person.

With ascendant lord in third house(first house ruler in third house),one finds glory and satisfaction in bringing people around them in their lives. They would like to take decisions with their siblings, there friends and other loved ones in mind and will also take advice from them. For these people rise of siblings give them inner force and their primary motivation is to grow taking others in their favor. They at times can even become too attached to view of people around them. When placed nicely, it also shows basic impulse in exploring new things ,people and places.

Ascendant lord in fourth house(first house ruler in fourth house) is very sensitive placement and show one very much concerned to his or her family ,and early childhood remains building block to which there is great level of importance attached .One finds glory in uplifting people close to them and when ascendant lord is healthy ,these people can devote their lives for a special cause. Their motivation is to bring equilibrium to things ,bringing more harmony and are often propelled by peace, giving and receiving love, and a  feeling of compassion is their driving force.

With ascendant lord in fifth house( first house ruler in fifth house),the basic motivation is to showcase one’s talents to entire world and to find happiness in appreciation from others. These people love to learn new things, hone talents within them and their primary impulse is to find joy showing their abilities to others. Appreciation and recognition of their capabilities is food for their egos.

When ascendant lord is in sixth house (first house ruler in sixth house) then one can become too critical of others. The primary motivation can become to get into mindless troubles and issues of others. Their egos will find great peace in solving matters of others. When this ascendant lord is strong it can also mean primary impulse in discovering hidden powers and one can devote life in optimizing mental, physical and spiritual powers. This position also shows karmic debts ,which can even mean one is destined to fight issues with self and prime desire can be to find a balanced and peaceful life conditions through constant hard work and patience.

Ascendant lord when placed in seventh house(first house ruler in seventh house) is a powerful feature and show an authorative figure, at least prime desire can be to gain authority and command .The basic life force is to find supremacy and expand one’s reach .These people will be obsessed with self and would like others to talk about them. Their motivation is self-glory and social recognition along with fame.

When ascendant lord is in eighth house(first house ruler in eighth house) then prime motivation is curiosity and desire to know maximum. One’s motivation is knowing secret knowledge and discovering new things being in research areas would give their egos immense boost. These people will find their primary impulse in learning unconventional subjects ,occult and rising to great heights in life. Their motivation is to achieve something different and more deeper. Their life force wants to explore, achieve, discover and discard.

With ascendant lord in ninth house(first house ruler in ninth house),one finds satisfaction in expanding in all realms .Every kind of growth is important and unless they make big in education, family ,career, they won’t feel satisfied .Their primary motivation is to expand their consciousness through becoming more evolved through learning, gaining education. Their basic impulse is to expand, grow and their egos find peace in assimilating much more knowledge and exposure as compared to people around them.

When ascendant lord is placed in tenth house(first house ruler in tenth house) then one finds satisfaction through interaction with others on a big platform. These people are born to achieve something substantial and to connect with large masses. Their primary impulse is to establish themselves as someone big and public interaction gives them feeling of  being alive. Their basic impulse is to find meaning of life in what they do, their careers,other talents, habits can become pivot point in their lives.

With ascendant lord is placed in eleventh house(first house ruler in eleventh house) then success in all forms and rising very high in life becomes motivation. Their primary impulse is to establish themselves as successful persons and rise above the rest. Being superior to others in education, wealth and material prosperity is most harmonious food for their egos. Social acceptance and recognition is their basic impulse.

With ascendant lord in twelfth house (first  house ruler in twelfth house) one finds peace and harmony in working towards a long term goal. They will always develop long term vision and would love to sacrifice small pleasure in pursuit of something big .For them motivation can be happiness of others, universal harmony and working for accumulating good Karmas for future can propel them. Their primary impulse is to ignore the present and live for something grand that is stored in future or which is for only for upliftment of others.

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