
Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Taurus Sign

Change is here for Taurus Moon sign people. Change in many areas can be expected and now the time is for fundamental shift in your life. For you people Saturn will come into seventh house from Moon and it has its own importance and will bring visible effect in many spheres of your life. First area which deserves attention is your relationships. For the ones who are waiting for someone special and looking for long term commitment and marriage, this transit will bring the good news .Its time for Taurus people to get into serious and stable personal bonding. Time till July 2015 looks extremely fruitful and conducive for any step towards union and for starting your new family .For the ones who are already settled ,this transit will bring some shifts in perception and your outlook towards your partner is all set to change now. Any pending matters will now become ready to be sorted out. You can take some firm decision about your personal life and steps taken now will impact your life in long turn. 

For some of you, depending on current state, this transit can also break away old bonds and create a space for new ones. This process cannot be isolated from feeling of pain and deep mourning within .Saturn emphasize on results more ,and not on the method or how one will feel things,so concentrate on outcome rather than becoming too critical of the process.Its time to be open and receptive for the change in your life in terms of personal relationships. Decide what you want , how you want ,time is now stable and auspicious, you will get results of long term relevance.

In terms of career, this transit will bring new opportunities to grow and expand your network. Especially for the ones in business, this transit of Saturn will bring lot of good news. Expansion of business, work and network all can now be expected. If you are thinking to get into new ventures then time is just perfect now and make sure you complete all necessary steps in first half of 2015 itself. Time beyond that ,i.e 2016 and ahead will be of gaining stability and fruits of your efforts. Right now, its time to get set go and jump into action. Bring out your typical charm and take your all planning to implementation. This transit also holds the potential to give you many travels ,especially foreign travel ,for work and even for pleasure too.If your individual time period pattern are fine, then elevation in your current role or even successful and satisfactory change in job can be expected .For the ones who are thinking of changing the work line itself, time is perfect to make the big switch. In its essence, Saturn moving into Scorpio will bring strong vibes of changes for you and moving out of your comfort zones will now become a need, so it would be better to welcome the change and be accommodating.

In its essence this transit will bring commotion back in your life, your social image will take a new turn now and mostly its on the positive side. Many new bonds will be made and some of the old ones will say good bye for the better. This process can involve some amount of pain too, which is inherent quality of Saturn. In esoteric sense this transit can push you deep into layers of materiality, into world of contrast where you will experiences many things and events which are necessary for you at this moment in your own evolutionary process. Saturn works in silent mode and hidden ways and its impact is long term, almost infinite. Saturn will open up new ventures for you to feel the world in its full form, and hence you are bound to experience pain and pleasure both. Its a transit when desire to know and learn diminish and desire to achieve, expand and experience becomes strong.Its time to become a part of this world once again in visible form and leave behind your isolation and inhibitions. Saturn is here to give new dimensions to your life, embrace the change with open arms.

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