
Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Gemini sign

Saturn moving to Scorpio sign is sign of celebration for Gemini Moon sign people. This transit is most praised in classical texts ,as form your Moon sign Saturn will enter into the sixth house, the house where Saturn is ought to work in most effective and in positive manner .For you changes are clearly seen and more than anything else, this transit will bring acceleration in whatever you are doing in your life. The areas impacted are many, let’s have a look how mighty Saturn will bless you. First and foremost change will be seen in context of your work.

A change at work place is awaiting you, time will show you the contrast and this is the time when one finds fault existing within himself in his way of working, if the inspiration hits you right, it could prove to be a very bright beginning in your career or business. Often individual starts new venture, change job for better and engages oneself more proactively in whatever he is doing .But expecting smooth things without any genuine intention of hard work doesn’t work well with the Saturn.
Next big change can be felt in your personal lives where you would be able to express yourself more freely and receive in abundance too. Now situations around you will become smooth and you will be able to bring out your creative feelings and emotions in form of concrete words. It might translate into better understanding with your partner and free flow of love in your family. The restriction that you were feeling till now will be removed. Those who want to give new turn to their relationships; this is the time to move ahead.

This transit will bring a change in your outlook about your health, the way you think and feel about your body, and one should go up-to the level of rectifying incorrect food habits as casual attitude about eating and drinking won’t be spared now .These are the wonderful times to get involved in Meditation, Pranayaam and observe fasting, purely for the health benefits. Attitude about money should change now and you should deal with your finances very religiously, investing carefully and once you are genuinely interested in your financial growth(ready to put effort required) then expect most stunning phase of your life now ,but at the same time carelessness will cost you so badly that getting into legal mess, extreme debts and huge wastage is also possible .This is the time when Saturn is ready to bless, provided you stay alert and are ready to put yourself into action without any hesitation and further delay. Saturn in sixth removes many hurdles and you will be able to see the road map to your desired goal clearly now. The praise about Saturn transiting sixth house is basically related to heightened awareness and extreme level of energies that are given which are medium to attain glory and success in any field, be it earning more money, rising in career,clarity in personal relationships, or invoking powers within to grow in Spiritual life.

The most striking aspects of this transit are reserved for the ones having interest in Spirituality ,Occult or simply for those interested in maximizing their potential.Saturn’s movement in Scorpio means movement in your sixth house that will benefit you immensely in concentrating energies and development of higher powers. Psychic abilities come easy during such periods and often individual get immersed in self-analysis to discover weakness in own personality ,that comes to surface, and when Saturn’s slow hammer gives the final blow, weakness transmutes themselves into strength, that becomes permanent part of you in longer run benefiting you amazingly. Saturn has come to bless you, realize the huge potential and zoom ahead.

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