
Living with the Saturn : Practical Remedies for planet Saturn

Saturn is known to give most challenging times and its transit(or dasa) is most feared. Amid mess and hopelessness one try to find remedial measure, any method which will please this planet and will take away all the pain. Saturn wants a fundamental change and working on outer level, through exoteric rituals alone won’t work. Remedies do have some effect, but when it comes to Sadesaati, Dhayya , etc.,Saturn needs change in inner most level and expecting relief solely through lightening Deepak under a tree or pouring mustard oil on Saturn’s idol are bound to disappoint .Lets have a look at some fundamental areas where one should work diligently to gain true Grace of Mighty Saturn.

1.Discipline is the key word for Saturn. This is the starting point, the main message in broader sense. Accept the fact that until and unless you bring discipline in your life, things won’t change for better.However long you resist organisation in and around you, Saturn will continue to haunt through in-numerous means .So accept and acknowledge the very first and main lesson which Saturn wants to instill in you.

 2. Second comes the twin qualities of Saturn which it loves to the core .Hard work and Patience. Working hard is not a virtue anymore, rather it is now a necessity which should become integral part of your life .Your working hours can increase and showing resistance to increased work load and hours will leave you frustrated. Showing resistance and abusing Saturn is childish and are signs of individual(at least in initial part of difficult transit/dasa) who doesn’t want to acknowledge any learning and want instant relief all the time without undergoing any substantial and fundamental changes in personality. Saturn loves when one works hard without desiring instant results. Saturn accumulates all your Karmas ,so do not worry,not even a single day of your effort will go waste and in achieving this belief you would be needing second and most beloved quality of Saturn, i.e Patience.

3.Patience is breath ,the Soul of Saturn .Saturn is well known, rather infamous, for delaying things,events etc to extreme levels. The delaying quality of Saturn seems cruel and nonsense on the face but it’s not without cause. Saturn does things with precise purpose and for giving birth to higher human qualities. When Saturn delays your tasks, broadly you can do two things; first is to ridicule Saturn ,time period ,God, your parents or anyone close to you or second one is acknowledging what the hell Saturn wants from you!. No doubt second one is extremely difficult but those who have really experienced Saturn would realize that this is the only option that is available in such times. Allow things to happen which seems beyond your control. If you see your efforts not giving results then rather than stopping acting, increase your efforts .This is easier said than done ,but again this is the only option that Saturn leaves .Allow patience to take birth inside you, wait graciously, believe that results delayed are not denied .Practicing true patience will ease out the pain of Saturn period simply to half, or even more.

4. Understand the nature of Saturn which is to act from opposite end .If Saturn wants you to keep hungry then it will first make circumstances where you will be surrounded with tasty dishes ,i.e Saturn test by creating most adverse situation. There is generally increase in lower human qualities and one tends to lie ,think and act dishonestly ,act lazy and in some of the cases even there is increased desire to indulge in temporary flings ,illicit relationships and alike. These all random feelings and desire to do what seems illogical ,illegal and morally corrupts basically is hidden method of Saturn to throw one in such environment where one has to experience real mess, realize what it is like to behave and act dishonestly ,lazily etc  and face the results. Saturn gives permanent lessons so its process can be thoroughly illusionary and cruel, but real message shines like a diamond. There is tendency to get into addictions, isolate oneself from social circle and do what is forbidden as per generic norms. It’s important to look for lesson in such things, else process adopted by Saturn can be so lengthy and rude that one’s ego can get attached to process itself rather than finding any meaning. Remain aware of contradictions, they are bound to come, but will come to teach you priceless lessons for the lifetime.

5. Another critical point is to respect those who are less privileged than you. Saturn wants you to realize Oneness, the Cosmic unity and in this process it might create conflicts in your personal, professional and social life. Main message of Saturn is to make you realize that despite strong difference of opinion ,we all have unique place in this world. But what is more important is to respect those who cannot even place their views before you, those who are in service, those who are servants, those who work on daily basis for survival, whose egos are crushed, who don’t have a voice among the successful ones. Treat others as you want to be treated. This is not any virtue any more, not even a quality for which you will be praised rather this is a quality which is necessary to earn grace of Mighty Saturn, the Infinite and highly potent force in Universe.

6.Though volumes can be written about Saturn ,its good for us to understand the real  essence of this Spiritualizing agent .During challenging transit(or dasa) of Saturn, weaknesses of various sorts comes to surface. You should acknowledge, accept and then work on your shortcomings. For example one who is short tempered and shout easily will see rise in situations where he needs to shout ,express anger and get into mess .Now his ego can blame Saturn for throwing him in such scenarios for creating restlessness and rift in his life ,but this is not the intent of Saturn. Saturn exaggerated his anger to make him realize its repercussions, Saturn digs deep and all weaknesses in personality are exposed. Rather than crying and finding sympathy around you, accept your negativity and work hard to overcome them. This is one of the priceless methods to win blessings of Saturn.

If one wants to go beyond and really grasp the messages from Saturn, then true Surrender and Devotion to Saturn and Almighty as per the belief and chanting of Divine name will ensure birth of capability from which one becomes able to actually assimilate all the learning from this planet and rise in mundane as well as in Spiritual world .Saturn reforms in its period, for the best, for the rest of life.
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