
Saturn in sixth house

Out of all houses placement of Saturn is said to give best results in sixth house. This seems to be quite intriguing on the face reason being the challenging nature of this house and testing and contractive nature of Saturn itself. The results are indeed not straight forward as they are generally pronounced (and even exaggerated many times).Though placement of Saturn in any house needs careful attention and detailed study but when this Mighty Spiritualizing agent is placed in sixth house of chart at time of birth, then especially one will need extremely sharp distinction about what is possible, where limitation lies, potential challenges and scope and direction of achievements.

Sixth house is one of the most complex sector where we need to come out of our limited self and start interacting with others and more than interaction, it actually describes whereabouts regarding our attitude, our inner fears and emotional state when performing actions. Saturn when placed here is not a simple phenomenon and should never be taken as just another placement, rather it can be one of the most binding or even most liberating experience in waiting for the individual. Saturn afflicted or placed in weak state here shows an individual who has to make many adjustments in context of his or her work and for such person work and workplace can become exhausting experience. Such Saturn makes one work extremely hard and at the back its desire of this planet to make one gain the virtue of putting self-interest behind and work for the sake of work and not for the returns. This house is intimately connected with one’s career, workplace and all aspects related to it. Saturn here shows that you are born to learn to coexists and true to the nature of Saturn, means can be thoroughly tiring, dry and even harsh at times but it’s the lesson which matters the most. Saturn here imparts lessons about interacting others with open mindedness ,if you really don’t like to give attention to others and just wait for your turn to speak or act then this sixth house placed Saturn will create adverse situations at workplace(or at any place where you get a chance to mix with others, to experience duality) so that you actually go through live scenarios where you would be made to listen, where you would be made to pay attention ,where you would be made silent and would be directed to pay holistic attention to details of work ,in terms of  both quality and quantity.

This sixth house also deals with entanglements, mess(as it seems on surface) and matters which can irritate and burn your energy rapidly. Saturn acting on lower levels here shows tendency to get involved in useless matters and if other placements of chart are not uplifting then it can show an individual who loves to gossip, is interested in lives of others, in personal matters of others ,feel happy in creating mess. Here Saturn is actually not to be blamed and its real essence should be understood. This house is like dark deep store house, neglected room in our house where enormous junk is lying since ages .When Saturn is placed at birth time in this house and is weak and afflicted then it means time has arrived to remove this clutter but as state of Saturn is weak, it means manifestation can come up in unpleasant and unconscious ways, where you do not  seem to be in full control, where things happen to you rather than you make it happen through your strong intent. This Saturn throws one into mess, into mindless affairs till one really feel exhausted, till the point where futility becomes crystal clear, and then one reaches the point from where transformation can begin .And that’s where comes the brilliance of Saturn in sixth house which is endlessly praised in classics.

When Saturn begins to work on higher levels in sixth house, this becomes the most powerful feature of chart. This is the state where one achieves the perfection at work, where one learns to happily coexists with others, offer him or herself delightfully in service of others. This is the situation when service comes as pleasure and joy comes in serving others in giving joy to others rather than asking it. Here Saturn can give endless physical as well as mental stamina and these individuals can be literally powerhouse, working joyfully and recharging themselves in very short span of time. Great healing capacity is also received and when other placement fall supportive, then healers are born under this placement as Saturn gives capacity to experience pain first and then heal others through one’s real time knowledge and practical wisdom. The greatest asset of this placement lies in potential to unleash the latent forces hidden inside physical body. On generic levels this means desire to optimize routine, working methods etc which manifest as interest in yoga ,Ayurveda, aerobics, exercise of various sorts ,interest in knowing mind-body healing techniques and alike. On higher levels of consciousness this means desire (and destiny) to unleash psychic powers, going beyond visible limitations and invoking spiritual powers which lie dormant in body. Saturn in sixth needs to be accepted and then given a channelized direction, the wonders it can achieve are truly thrilling, but it also needs one to accept the challenges on the way. Saturn placed in sixth house of chart is truly one of the most enigmatic placement and can indicate giant leap (and also crossing giant hurdles) in process of human evolution.

For other Saturn in houses series, Please click:

1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House
  6th  House |7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House                                            11th House | 12th House

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