
Year ahead 2015 : Taurus

Predictions are based on moon sign.
Expansion realms
This is the year of commotion, of breaking away of old patterns and for emergence of many new ones in various spheres of your life. On expansion front, this year is strong on promise and areas of impact seems to lie mostly on outer circumstances , on periphery .The broad classification of this year yields two zones, first till July 2015 and then onwards. The first half of this year strongly stands for complete reshuffle in your personal and professional relationships. There seems to be some strong churning going on for you people and you would see many new bonds emerging.Its time to work on your PR skills and grow your network like never before. The dull in your personal life can end with blossoming of long term relationship and this year is one the finest to get married or for serious long term bonding. This year is also very good for long term travel and in fact there could be both domestic and international travels and trips for you. First half of this year is particularly strong for bringing out your dynamism and re-energising all areas of your life with your desire and intent .Second half of this year seems to be relatively stable with your focus growing more towards settlement which can lead to big investments which you were holding on since long. New house, property, a big land deal is on its way .There could be many family celebrations and if there is any issue with family or internal conflict, that could see amicable resolution. New vehicle and objects of luxury and comfort will make place in your life, raising your living standard.There could also be increase in flow of money in yrou life and new ventures/sources can open up for you.Summarizing on positive note, this year can see you getting back to mainstream life in most passionate manner.

Winds of change
There are many changes and challenges on the way this year, though of quite mild in nature. There could be demise of some old bonds and many of stale relationships can see end .Be it your relatives ,your acquaintances or your close friend circle, you will witness strong churning and many bitter experiences can arise and it will be good to silently witness them and not hold on to anything or anyone. Stronger impact can be seen in personal life where some of you can see issues with your partner and they could be quite damaging if there is no counterbalancing force present in your individual charts. On family front, some dispute with your parents can arise and in general second half can see some conflict at home or within your family members. Land and property issue, if any, can come to surface and can no longer be avoided now.There can also be need to shift the place of your residence and even change in country is possible, the gist is to come out of your comfort zone, at least initially before you finally experience calm.

Potential lessons
They are in plenty, provided you are open and do not show rigidness, which is quite possible seeing the stiff position of Saturn for you. First lesson is to learn to coexists and allow people to put their views freely. You might need to swallow your ego for giving space to people around you. Second lesson which is intimately connected with first, is to allow more space and air with your partner. Decrease your rigidness, open up to new ideas and places, sit and listen to advices coming from elder ones and apply them to your life. For work you might be travelling or even relocating, so remaining flexible in context of work could be toughest lesson for some of you. Learning how to take your family members along with you despite visible difference of thought process is another very subtle lesson that you can learn this year, if heart and mind are open and receptive.

Spiritual journey
Literally this year doesn’t have much stored for you in terms of your inner journey as majority of time this year you can find yourself deeply muddled in affairs of mundane world. Relationship, money, comforts and ego boosting can fill your entire life space and until your desire is huge, Spiritual journey seems to be dull and out of focus .Initial months are high on exoteric rituals and even visit to many spiritual/religious places is seen, but its impact would remain on periphery only .A slow year where you inner urges can become huge to become part of normal mainstream life and desire to find more meaning can take the back seat.

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