
Year ahead 2015 : Aries

Predictions are based on Moon Sign.

Expansion realms

With abundant blessings from Jupiter and stern control of mighty Saturn, this is the year which have plenty of growth opportunities stored for you Arians. Broadly diving this year, there seems to be two phases of growth and areas of focus will change gradually. Let’s see what they are. Till July 2015,i.e mid-way of this year there will be opportunities to invest your hard earned money well. Many of you will see new property, new home, some big land deals and alike taking place. One of the most pleasant news can come with declaration of legacy under your name, i.e someone elder/authorative in your family can give you huge amount of money, lands, and assets or simply pass on some kind of legacy to you which will be of great use to you in long term. Second positive change can occur in your career where you can actually make a big switch and time in first half of this year is more than brilliant to change job, take up more responsibility and even start something brand new of your own. Perhaps the greatest gift that this year contains for you lies in its ability to renew your career prospects. Post July 2015, your focus would shift towards quality in your life.From where to what to how. Second half of this year can bring inner transformation in you with you working on your skills and many of you can actually enroll for formal education. Second half strongly favors pursuit of education or enhancing skills/talents in any way feasible for you, though effort required will be huge but amazing gains too are seen. To sum up your positive areas, it would be first change in your outer circumstances like where you live, where you keep your money and how much of it, where you work and what actually is your work. Second half of this year will bring more of qualitative changes that will be felt more, but will be of transformative in nature in long term.

Winds of change

Changes are indeed seen, in much stronger way.In fact if we see the bottom line of this year for you people, it’s basically getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing life in more open manner . First half of year comes with a strong protective layer with it, so changes and challenges might seem very gradual and less discomforting, but as you enter into latter half, changes can become blunt and big. Health is your first concerning area and old issues are certain to show up now, and warnings will be given from the very beginning, so remain alert and extremely proactive in dealing with your health and health of your family members too. Conflicts with lands and properties for some of you can come up and even legal entanglements are possible in extreme cases .Rise in work can also bring great level of responsibility and this is something which you need to cope up as it can feel as burden initially. Conflicts and difference of opinion with children and with your partner to some extent are also seen. Perhaps biggest change and challenging aspect for you can be moving out of your secured lifestyle and taking up new job at new place or simply finding yourself in entirely new environment which can feel little scary or discomforting initially. These patterns would emerge more strongly as you move into September onwards . Changes for you might look difficult initially, but this year will bring blessings in disguise, so remain open minded and allowing.

Potential lessons 

Lessons are in plenty for you and biggest lesson itself is to remain open minded in receiving them.Co-existing at work and to get in flow with the circumstances is something which you will need to learn this year. You cannot hold on to any person ,event, object or place forever and things do change and accepting the change gracefully believing in heart that this is all happening for definitive purpose and nothing is to be feared of, is your priceless lesson this year.

Spiritual journey

This is perhaps the area where this year has stored most astonishing impacts. Desire to know more, explore hidden aspects and maximize your potential can lead you to practice various sorts of mind-body-soul rejuvenating exercises and techniques. This year clearly stands for breaking your old thought pattern shell and for development for new ideas and a new personality itself. Serious aspirants cannot ask for a better year and magic like experiences are stored with deep insights, visions, awakening of serpent power within and what not. Out of body experiences too can be expected which for laymen can be felt with realization of limitations of physical body and awareness that something bigger and timeless exists beyond it. This is one of the finest year in your inner journey and can easily become benchmark year for your personal evolution.

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