
Year ahead 2015 : Aquarius

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
Aquarius people have a happening year ahead and there are many positive events waiting for you. To begin with, the first and perhaps the most fundamental change can come in your work life. This is definitely a year when your career will undergo change. Those looking for better jobs will get it and as you move into second half of this year, rise in your profile and increased authority is also visible. The changes awaiting in career can be slow to unfold, but restructuring looks almost certain. For the ones who are aspiring to get into some new ventures and start or expand business, then this is the year. Initiatives should be taken up now and post July time seems green. Your period of isolation will gradually fade away and you are going to make a comeback in mainstream life with your network all set to grow. Meeting new people at both personal and professional level is seen and it would accompany your increased fame. Apart from all these aspects perhaps the best thing that is waiting to happen gradually this year is feel about life itself. Heaviness inside you will leave and make a space for hope and events happening around you will give boost to your self-confidence and you will have something to look forward to at all the times .On relationship front, this could be decisive year with many of you getting into serious mode and long term commitments are clearly seen, this is an ideal year to get married and look ahead for starting a new phase in life. On the financial front, this whole year is good and later half particularly has some good news stored for you. Post August you can expect stability in your money matters and a sense of relief coming to you. Travel is another big highlight and you are surely going to get to new places. A gradual shift towards the hope is ready to unfold for you this year.

 Winds of change
All the positive aspects waiting for you this year actually have to go through some amount of test and wait. Though certainly its not a year for big challenges, frequent ups and downs are here to stay .Change in career and expansion in work might come through dull phase and stagnation in your work life. Initial months of this year can actually frustrate you with a feeling of being chained, leading to deep dissatisfaction in you. Many of you can be made to work like a machine with little amount of time left for yourself and this very fact can spark desire to move on look for something liberating somewhere else. Constant pressure and long working hours seems to be foremost challenge this year, especially till July. Personal life is another big area where certain upsets and reshuffle can be expected. Fights, arguments and even physical/emotional separation from the partner can come leading to stress in family life, but all is certainly not gloomy here. Your personal life is not bad, rather it has to go through a period of testing and for many of you this can mean adieu to old and non-workable relationships and ushering into fresh and long term bonding. Conflicts with teammates and politics/ambiguity at work also needs to be handled day in day out. Hectic travel might also feel as slight burden this year, though this may be a relatively lighter aspect.

Potential lessons
Much to learn this year. Once you are determined and open to lessons, then this year can make you rock solid about how to handle complex situations at work and how to deal with tricky people. Exposure to new places, people and with increase in your authority and responsibilities, opportunities to learn are in bounty this year. As year progresses, you will continue to realize your growing duties, which will raise your conscious level to new heights.Your thought pattern will grow and you will reach new places not just on Mother earth ,but inside your mind too. When seen from third person point of you, this is the year when you will see challenging yourself and expanding your living horizon.

Spiritual journey
Until and unless your individual chart has something major, this year doesn’t have much to offer in terms of your spiritual journey or experiences. This is gross year, deeply infused into desires and rise in sense of belonging, so to certain extent it can even reverse your inner journey. Very little to expect here, this year can be best explored through living it out.

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