
Year ahead 2015 : Capricorn

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This is your year, a year for liberation, a year for zooming ahead. There are so many positive things and events waiting for you and basic essence of this year is indeed growth and expansion. Initial months are good for continues rise and growth in your work with increased fame and good will. Those looking for new job will find it, those looking for stability and promotion will get it. This is also best year to start something of your own. New startups, business partnerships and expansion of your current business all are seen .Time till first half of this year is very good for growing your people network and building contacts. You can see some big deals getting finalized with respect to your work .In terms of finances, this is a shining year, throughout twelve months money keep flowing and time is very auspicious for investments. New avenues for income will open up for you. If you have been planning to start something or get into some venture, time has arrived, jump in. Not just self-earned money, you are bound to get are many assets, property, inheritance and legacy of some kind this year. Sudden and big gains are on their way. Whatever grows in your life now will be in big proportions, time this year is reserved for big events. For relationships too this year is perfect .New bonds will develop and its going to be long term bonding now .Many of you would get married as time is more than perfect .You will meet influential and powerful persons which will help you rise. Support from everywhere flows to you and this year is amazing for you Capricorns. Fun, celebration and lot of travel too, everything which is counted as good and makes you happy will be available in bounty .This is going to be memorable one for you, smile you lucky ones.

Winds of change
There are few challenges on the way and in fact rather than problems, they should be thought of as issues and concerns. Settlement in personal life might come after conflicts and even for some of you old relationship might go away giving a way to new one. Dealing with tensed moments in your love life is prime challenge. Next thing is for students and for anyone who is on learning path, there can be hurdles and obstacles in your journey .Even a break is visible, which though can be dealt with slight caution and outcome will be in your favor .Some minor health issue and dietary trouble can visit you now and then. If you have some old health matters pending then do not neglect them anymore, try to get settled down in initial months of this year in terms of health also.

Potential lessons
Learning to settle scores in your personal and family life is your foremost lesson this year. Small issues and surprises will always continue for everyone and it’s a known cycle of life, but you in particular have to learn not to give up or feel disappointed by hurdles and conflicts. Your heart can ache with growing discomfort with close person/s around and it is not wise to feel yourself as guilty or burdened. Learn to stay positive each day and do not give attention to small matters.See what you want to achieve, this year is full of gems and jewels for you, so wasting time and energy in something which you don’t want will be childish. It’s rare to have such kind of year and make sure you keep yourself busy with fruitful activities. This year is mild on you and lessons will be given with sugar coating, thank Almighty and accept whatever is given to you as lessons and experience.

Spiritual journey
Dull and low but not completely absent. Your focus will be on major areas of life, career, money and personal life all are in full limelight so your energy really won’t be flowing for finding anything deeper. This is year to invoke desire in you and experience life in many colorful forms, so your prime energies will be engaged in them. Blockages and tensed moments along with disappointment deep within at times can force you to look for help beyond logical means. Your faith will remain intact its just that its time to be a part of race, evolution and metaphysical questions can wait. Later part of this year though can see rise in sincere interest in meditation, praying or in desire to be connected to some Higher source. As you go past the second half, many of you would feel need to bring out faith back in action. Some of genuine Spiritual aspirant will receive Divine blessings and mystical experiences are in store.In general also your sense of intuition and ‘sixth sense’ kind of stuff will happen now and then .A very good year in overall sense with something there for you in every sphere.

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