
Jupiter Transit in Leo : Impact on Capricorn Moon sign

Silent phase of transformation is here. Jupiter moving to Leo for you Capricorns is going to bring times for transformation, changes now go into invisible mode and most of the impact areas will be felt rather than seen. Jupiter for you people is going to move to eighth house from Moon, activating the enigma house for you .Impact areas are many, and quality of changes happening would be sharp and defining, the only relative thing here is time, time to actually realize and see these changes appearing in concrete world.

The most significant change that will occur will be in your attitude. Your attitude towards everything. This is the time to be a silent witness, to see things impartially so that their true face can be recognized .You introspect where you are, you evaluate yourself first, and all this trend would not be under any pressure or due to some external influence, rather you would be driven by your convictions. You become open in accepting changes, in changing yourself, in admitting your mistakes and moving ahead. Not just inner voice, you will also receive many priceless suggestions from people around. On the surface your life might not appear to change a lot, but beneath your skin, it’s a silent transformation going on. One of the most critical point that needs to be comprehended is that neither this transit is box of chocolates for you, nor it is signal of gloom, rather its an open ended pattern where what you actually receives depends entirely on how you perceive things, your attitude is the key. Jupiter moving in the eighth house from Moon for you is like potent land getting appropriate rain, and how things shape up depends on what you have sown.

Financially this is a period of great churning, many changes and reshuffling is going to happen in context of your finances. Take up what you have been avoiding till now, plan your taxes, think about long term investment and have a plan how you are going to pay back your debts, if any. The important trait of this transit is to bring focus to your money matters. Its time to respect what you have and get sincere about preserving and further growing it. Not just money, it actually applies to all of your resources like your personal/professional relations, your time, your energy and your social acquaintances. When you act honestly and have a proper plan, your finances are going to take a boom. Time ahead shows addition of new assets, a home/land and vehicle looks very much in sight. Expansion in your fixed assets is certain this year, but you cannot afford to be causal. Be careful in signing any deal, while taking any loan, read the documents thoroughly and be very professional in your approach. Though Jupiter does blesses here, you will be actually surprised to see how it takes away your wealth once you act and behave disrespectfully with respect to your resources. Whether its growth or simply the recovery, its going to happen very slowly, so patience is to be practiced and assimilated deeply.

On the career front, more responsibilities are seen, which can seem overwhelming in the beginning. This transit brings you the onus, take the charge and perform. Time now is to stand up and perform rather than looking for shortcuts or easy way out. Quitting or change is certainly not the way now as it can mess up your situation. Hard work and more slogging is seen, but after whole day of efforts and engagement, sense of achievement and satisfaction is sure to dawn in your heart. Financial gains and increased networking are another by products that Jupiter will grant you if you take up the huge work with a sense of sacredness and do not lose your focus. Jupiter is not here to test you, rather its there to fill your life with abundance, but for that you need to create the space by holding on and by agreeing deep down to collect yourself and move ahead. In personal relationships, its time to preserve what you have and any sort of experiments should not be undertaken. Keep going easy and relaxed and your task is not to let small issues take big form. Time is stable for personal relationships if you are mature enough to comprehend that ups and downs are subset of super set called as relationships. Take a good care of your health and excess work and health needs to be balanced in parallel. Some of the old health matters or hereditary troubles now needs to be picked up and given attention.

The best of this transit is something beyond the reach of senses, which doesn’t need social recognition. Jupiter in eighth house is one of the finest time for Spiritual activities. You now desire to see beyond superficial aspects of things and urge for attaining something more concrete within will lead you to practice many mind-body healing techniques like Yoga, Meditation ,Pranyaama and alike more rigorously. Reading metaphysical/spiritual/religious literature is also seen and many of genuine Spiritual aspirants will take a giant leap now. This is a mystical transit for your inner journey. Leave your clutter behind which ego collects day in day out for satisfying the social standards, go beyond visible limitations, Jupiter is ready to bless you to grant wisdom to comprehend essence of things. Its a transit of possibilities, open up your inner eyes to witness the silent transformation. Wise words from C.S Lewis would sum up this Jupiter transit for you: It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird, it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.

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