
Jupiter Transit in Leo : Impact on Sagittarius Moon sign

It’s time for a Sun rise .Sagittarius people are going through stern test from Saturn which is in its accelerating phase, but now with Jupiter moving to Leo, a strong support will be received. Jupiter moves to your ninth house giving you new level of hope. Yes, this transit brings you hope, it brings your command back and most importantly it brings back the belief that you haven’t lost it yet and you can still make a comeback. Impact areas are many and are pleasant to discover. Jupiter is here to hold you, irrespective of the degree of your gloom and bewilderment that you have in your heart, pious Guru is here to infuse great life force inside you.

The very first change that is going to come is in your attitude. Though test from Saturn continues, you gain good amount of confidence to fight it firmly. Jupiter moving to your ninth house enlightens your personality and in turn it will result in higher determination and a sense of wellbeing, a collectiveness will pervade you. Desire to face the changes with courage and sense of responsibility will alter the whole scenario. You feel better, see things in better way and will find start finding solutions to your issues rather than getting stuck at issues themselves. Jupiter is bound to give you optimism and higher receptivity to inspiration around you. Slight effort given in finding motivating factors around you will give you instant results, Jupiter blessing your ninth house is like a spark being always available to you, and you just need to gather fuel to start the fire. This change in inner being and how you feel about problems will be starting point to many more positive changes.

On visible level, Jupiter transit will give you drastically increased opportunities to freely mix with others. Till now you have been witnessing a period of isolation, excess self-criticism and looping thoughts have been occupying you, Jupiter will break this inertia and will throw you out of this vicious circle. Increase in people networking is seen. Social life comes into focus once again. You meet many new people, you are going to go many places, visit new cities and even new countries. Foreign travel and trips to far off places is certainty now which will also include religious and spiritual landmarks. This commotion in your social life and enhanced level of exposure has precise message: Jupiter wants you to pick up learning .If this transit is to be summed up in one word, it should be learning from all directions. Movement to new places, exposure to new cultures and new events in life will broaden your horizon and coming out of your limited self is one of the biggest encouraging event happening with you. May be your problems remain as big as they are on absolute scale, but the critical point is your reference level is going to change. You find new eyes, renewed sprit to tackle what all is going on in your life.

Many of you would opt for higher education now and movement to new places is highly favored for pursuit of education. Be it formal or self-earned, your eagerness to learn, explore and assimilate will get enhanced to exciting levels, leading to a pleasant new you. At work, you are going to get new responsibilities, new roles and work load will increase. Many travels in context of work are also seen. Its time you rise upto expectations and perform, be assured you will find success and harmony at the same place, so thoughts of quitting should not be given attention, unless unavoidable. One of the highlight of this transit that should be kept in mind is whatever the aspect be, change will appear very slowly. Things will take lot of time before you start to see relief, so feeling restless or cribbing should be kept at bay .Immense patience and silent witnessing is required by Jupiter before you can receive results.

New changes on the relationship front are also seen. Churning in personal and professional relations is seen, so you can expect some of the old bonds to fade away and many new to develop. This transit also bring you strong hope to fall in love and for the ones who do have partner right now, its time to take relationship to next level as circumstances are just fine. There might be some amount of pain and resistance when you witness reshuffling in your love life/relationships, so be open to what is coming your way, its certainly for the best. Jupiter in transit for you will open up new doors, will give you immense courage and it stands for new phase in your life where you will feel the presence of Divine with you .Receive the blessings, Its time warrior Arjuna assimilate the timeless wisdom and perform fiercely, being totally detached.

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