
Exploring Birth chart - Inclination,talents and Career path

Birth chart is the cosmic window which indicates what potential Soul has brought with itself from journey of past existences. Positioning of planets in birth chart describes urges, inclinations and talents of individual. Everyone is born with unique planetary placements which indicates certain path where one can find conducive circumstances to unravel potential of his or her birth chart. Career is very broad term and especially owing to extremely diversified branches being generated in today’s world, getting guidance from birth chart is very tricky part, but nevertheless strong hints to clear cut indications can surely be derived. Career paths are numerous and there are many parameters which needs to be checked for arriving at conclusion. The approach, method and rules are literally huge but still below are some major guidelines through which career path can be tracked.

1. Role of tenth house and tenth house ruler along with sixth house and sixth house ruler. This is the biggest factor in deciding work life.

2. Roles of signs is important to check what element is dominating the individual.

3. The signification of planets is major part, as in what areas planets signify and how they impact houses related to work life.

4. Areas signified by houses and role of Nakshtra is also important.

5. Role of yogas, association, aspects and generic astrological permutation and combination needs to be checked.

6. Role of time period pattern, i.e dasa pattern and higher divisional charts, D10 etc is also very much critical. This shows how well career will shape up in longer run.

7. Role of strongest planet in chart is also worth considering.

Though above list gives decent approach for judging career choices for individual, in reality thorough check of whole birth chart is needed. To begin with, we need to understand what planets actually signify, i.e areas ruled and indicated by them. Once we know what each planet mean and what area is specialized by it, we will reach a position to work on basic rules, hence building a strong structure to decide career profiles. Let’s zoom in.

Saturn, the rooted agent.
Saturn is force which is rooted and needs dedication, hence signify persistence and repetition. It signifies areas where one needs to offer selflessly and serve with never ending patience. In mundane terms, it means below lands minerals, oil, and gas, anything which is coming deep within from earth’s core. In more esoteric sense it means needs to be grounded and being connected to roots, whose shallow and mundane interpretation is service class and class which is being involved in ‘lower’ work. In modern sense Saturn is technology, engineering and it represents chemical, civil and core branches of engineering. Analysis, architecture and giving shape to ideas is also zone of Saturn. Though when it comes to Saturn, discussion can be infinite, like its own nature, but keeping in mind above areas and its basic traits will help.

Jupiter, the evolutionary scholar
Jupiter is expansive and signify stability. It is force of nature whose assimilation power is huge and loves to grow, expand, rise and evolve. In mundane terms, Jupiter signifies raw knowledge which is not processed, hence is often associated with traditional/ancient wisdom. In more concrete sense it indicates law, biology, biotechnology, study of nature’s law which when expanded also includes how human body, mind and intellect works. As Jupiter loves which belongs to tradition, history, ancient languages and any work which belongs to preservation of human culture belongs to this force. Finance, calculation, accounts and banks also come under influence of Jupiter. Being the most affluence force, its reach is wide. Management, zoology, literature, philosophy and religious activities also come under its significance. Trade is Jupiter’s prime area.

Venus, the charmer
The creative and artistic force of nature signifies arts, music, acting, dance, paintings, fashion industry, design and decoration. Graphics, animation and anything where creativity and realm of imagination with aesthetics is required, Venus is at work. Agriculture, hotel industry and botany too comes under Venus. To get the essence of Venus, wherever you need to rise above the basic needs and deal with higher needs of human beings, intervention of Venus is required. Poetry, soft literature and films are its refined areas. Pleasure and bliss are essential part of Venus, which often are outcome of work associated with it.

Mercury, the witty messenger
Domain of mind, ideas, thoughts, this is what Mercury represents. Books, reading, learning, to and fro movement of information all comes under realm of messenger of Gods, Mercury. Mathematics, astrology, calculation, trade, banking, insurance, accounts, commerce, education and teaching lines are prime areas being signified by it .Journalism, media and communication are also strong areas. New age internet trade, IT, finance and share market in specific, also is Mercury’s domain. Anything which requires use of intellect, mind/brain (physical sense) comes from Mercury’s influence. It also favors business like Jupiter.
Mars, the passionate warrior
Logic, power and dynamism. In analogy from modern physics, anything similar to flow of electrons is domain of Mars. Run of energy, passion, movement and intense involvement is Mars. In core mundane world, Mars rules military, armed forces, management. It signifies surgeries, medical domain, and health care in general. Core branches of engineering like mechanical, electrical, electronic all comes under Mars. Automobile industry, transport and management/organizing work where great deal of energy is required comes under Mars.

Sun, the leader
Sun is the highest authority and indicates careers where respect, power and considerable dominance is seen .Administrative jobs, politics, mathematics, pure sciences, literature are core branches ruled by Sun. Medical lines ,ayurveda, astronomy are yet another areas signified by Sun. Sun also shows independent working skills ,hence signify leading an industry or company as well. When you smell command and power with refined working style, it’s Sun at work.

Moon, the adaptable
Similar to Sun, authorative careers are preferred but only when strong. In general Moon indicates milk products, chemicals, medicines, pharmacy and arts. Moon actually reflects potential of other planets, hence its nature gets modified easily and its association or aspects received from other planets, or simply sign in which it is placed modifies its tendencies.

Rahu and Ketu, the innovators
Rahu and Ketu are nodes but exerts tremendous power when it comes to molding of career path if they are connected with required factors. Rahu is extremely innovative hence reached based work, engineering, computer, IT and chemical related fields like oil, gas, petroleum and alike are favored under its influence. It is also connected to aviation, path breaking new fields and politics. Secretive work and crime investigations also come under its influence. Ketu is more active on domain of intellect and computers, IT are its modern influences. Ketu is brilliant in interpreting languages and under its influences one can work in IT/Computer related fields and excel in many languages. If very strong, Ketu can give interest like that of Mars. Extreme innovation, secrecy and Spiritual fields also come under its influence. Biology, medical lines, biotechnology and alike fields are also its significance.

With this decent background about the areas signified by all planetary forces, we are now equipped to analyze chart at the basic level and get started in outlining possibilities indicated by potential of birth chart. In next part of article, we will see through real time examples the implementation of these rules, how planetary alignment indicates the inclination, desires and life path of individual.

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