
Saturn in eleventh house

There are three methods to gaining wisdom. The first is reflection, which is the highest. The second is limitation, which is the easiest. The third is experience, which is the bitterest, said the Confucius. Saturn in eleventh house of birth chart indicates a Soul who has come to experience to accumulate the knowledge via latter paths. Saturn is the most influencing planet when it comes to evolution of an individual. Essence of Saturn remains same though its placement in chart decides through what channels one will exhaust his Karma and what events will bring opportunities to grow. Eleventh house of birth chart is considered to be one of the strongest area, which is connected deeply with how we progress ahead, life force, flow of money and other material gains and importantly, how one’s desires and visions are shaped up .Saturn, like always, will exert extremely powerful forces across various existence of human life, lets discuss them in details.

Essence of Saturn in eleventh house is restriction and slow rise. Irrespective of sign in which Saturn is placed, its often seen that individuals with this placement will have many restrictions, limitations and even inhibitions imposed on them. These all contractive tendencies may or may not come from external mediums like family, upbringing but what remains underlying theme is that there will be blockages deep inside mind in thinking freely, in taking decisions and feeling worthy of enjoying whatever life has already offered. Saturn when being weak or afflicted or both here implies that individual might be born with very conducive situations around, but his inner state can be very messy, lost in many questions, sorting out puzzles with self. There will be tremendous amount of self-analysis, self-inquiry that goes on continually and it can become part of personality over the years. When other suppressing placements are present or chart lacks strength, then Saturn here can give low self-esteem, self-imposed barriers and emotional dryness. One will like to remain isolated not because he doesn’t want to interact rather due to many emotional barriers that he carries within.

Despite inner struggle, life continues to grow in many directions and financially this Saturn brings much affluence, though again how well one actually enjoys pleasure associated with this abundance can remain a big question here. What might make one deeply stirred and fearful is troubled education path in formative years or some event which had left deep impact on subconscious mind molding individual into highly sensitive being, filled with suspicion or even feelings of guilt. All these contractive influences of Saturn here also show up as limited social life which can be stifled or even completely dead, depending on state of Saturn. Though the personal commitment and sincerity of these individuals will be at par, it will only be their willingness to open up with others which bring limitation in number people with whom they really connect. This Saturn can also bring delay and even denial in birth of child, which though will manifest if other similar tendencies are present in whole. The most critical pointer that we get with Saturn in eleventh house is prolonged inner fight which envelops personality and brings thick layer over emotional body preventing effective absorption of any feeling and reflection too becomes dull.

Decent to well-placed Saturn in eleventh house can be the strongest pillar of the chart. It indicates ability to conserve energy and show extremely grounded and refined personality. Healthy Saturn here alters the whole story, the limitations or self-imposed restrictions as indicated by it becomes capability to control one’s energies and intention. It shows that one has mastered fight with the self and is now ready to take on to world at large. The mental composure and maturity in particular of such natives will be exemplary. Limited social life no longer comes from lack of communication, rather it comes as a choice to keep only the chosen ones in their lives. These individuals will show stable attitude and great level of mental composure in face of adversity and are practical to the core. To accomplish the goals, Saturn here gives immense stamina and great will power too. These individuals will not be impressed by momentary impulses rather their minds garner long term visions.
This is essentially not a spiritual placement rather it expands material impulse and often individuals born under eleventh Saturn will be restless to achieve something bigger which often results in affluence. How well one assimilates pleasure out of this affluence given by Saturn here strictly depends on state of Saturn(and overall fabric of chart of course).Like when Saturn is unhealthy, then individual can turn too self-centered trying to achieve his goals for the sake of ego boosting. In some cases one might feel unconsciously driven to work and earn for compensating the limitation as experienced in past. When Saturn becomes healthy here, pleasure might come through efforts, but only in fraction. 

Nevertheless, Saturn in eleventh house of chart does show that one is born with power to overcome all obstacles and establish self-worth through achievement of success as set by social standards. Once the barriers and restrictions are understood and appreciated, Saturn blesses immensely which makes this placement quite special and powerful.

For other Saturn in houses series, Please click:

1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House
  6th  House |7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House                                            11th House | 12th House

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