
Saturn in tenth house

Tenth house of chart is one of the most critical sector which defines individual’s interaction and exchange of energies which comes under the definition of Karma (at the level of intention too). Career is linked to this house but in deeper sense this house actually tells how well person is able to formulate thoughts and finer feelings within or inspiration from outside into actions. Extremely subtle forces which directs, compel or motivate individual to take action comes from this area. In more refined sense, this house shows the mission of Soul, the feeling of responsibility that comes from deep within, as a call from unknown. Saturn has been accepted as Lord of Karma, as in force of nature which keeps record of one’s Karmic graph. So when it comes to planet Saturn, the natural significator of Karma and tenth house the original place signifying all sorts of actions, there has to be something extremely important which gets highlighted from chart of individual. From subtle to concrete, from the level of subconscious to the realm of consciousness ,lets discuss what it means when one is born with Saturn in tenth house of birth chart.

Saturn signifies masses, it represents service to humanity and responsibilities that a person needs to fulfil, both at the level of society and personal ones too. Saturn being placed in tenth house links destiny of individual to masses which often give birth to leaders. Leader is actually very specific term which is found in classical interpretation and more appropriate definition should be someone who has relatively expanded interaction with masses. A powerful Saturn here shows extremely evolved consciousness which has mastered lower human qualities in previous forms and now is ready to take up additional responsibilities to bring changes at the bigger level. Rarely will you find person such configuration leading an isolated life, as Saturn here indicates a cause that is been assigned. Now this cause can feel as burden at times or can mean authority and prominent position at others, something which will be defined by sign in which Saturn is placed and its interrelationship with other planets.

Weak, afflicted or unhealthy Saturn here can be one of the most binding placement which will need long span of time to exhaust itself. To comprehend the importance and purpose of Saturn here, approach of linking events should never go out of sight. Saturn here creates a suffocation when it comes to family life and often indicates disturbed equation with partner and members of family which creates feeling of being out of place. Early part of life can go without much love and affection, which depending of situation of Moon, can lead to serious psychological dents. Such a person will generally not speak about areas where he lacks, but if his subconscious mind is made to speak, tons of garbage will come out. Deep within, it can create self-hurting tendencies which ultimately hints at lower self-esteem owing to restricted upbringing received in childhood. Though how its effect manifests depends on many factors but in generic sense often it makes one less sensitive and seemingly detached with affairs of family life whose roots go back to his own emotional sufferings in the past. On work front such weak Saturn creates feeling of chained and destiny can literally take away all glories and stability. It can mean extreme slogging and rewards after series of trials. 

Individual’s work life can become monotonous with sense of frustration developing over the years. Stifled and crushed spirit will not let drive joy from work. There are huge fluctuations in work life, rise is also promised but big fall and joblessness cannot be ruled out too. In esoteric sense it can indicate a Soul which needs to realize importance of authority and develop strong sense of ethics while fulfilling worldly duties. This placement doesn’t really make one Spiritual and even can block desire to look for Higher meaning in sufferings. It can mean that in previous lives one might have misused resources, played with authority to satisfy ego whose repercussions will be unrewarding and problematic work life in present incarnation to bring back balance of consciousness.

Powerful, well placed and stable Saturn here can give birth to individual who has a mission, who realizes importance of human dignity and treats all with equal eyes. Saturn here imparts great duties (in form of mission) that needs to be fulfilled in order to bring greater change to society. It can indicate philosophers, writers, scholars, someone placed highly in administration, technically efficient and a person with unique set of ideas who have capacity to change the existing set of beliefs and bring fresh and evolutionary change to present culture. At the level of consciousness, such individual can find himself very well placed and life and emotionally it shows stability and a sense of agreement deep within. Such a person knows that nothing is permanent and turbulent in relationship or work doesn’t really affect his mental composure. Comprehensive state of personality given by Saturn here can leave a sober and long lasting impression in mind of others and such person can become hope for many owing to his vision of future, which seems within the reach. Saturn here gives desire to live for a cause and moral values given by bright Saturn here can be exemplary.

A decently placed Saturn will give material affluence too but essentially this is entirely esoteric placement which shows that individual is the chosen one. Either he is chosen for realization of importance of certain aspects of existence or else is picked up to become a medium of Divine to reach to the masses and be the messenger of change. Saturn’s influence here creates a platform which reshuffles the existing principles, either at the level of individuality through destruction of false ego and limited beliefs or else at bigger levels by bringing change in ideas, change in social norms and by establishment of justice at large.

For other Saturn in houses series, Please click:

1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House
  6th  House |7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House                                            11th House | 12th House

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