
The Divine plan : Combinations for learning astrology - I

It’s been the timeless quest of human being to find how things work and mechanism underlying the why and how part. The Divine knowledge of astrology is known to provide deepest clues and hints about what a soul has brought, where its headed and what experiences it will accumulate while undergoing this process. We are in the age where information is available as soon as impulse is generated in the mind and in such conducive environment, eager minds can tread on the path of learning pretty fast. Though when it comes to learning, the inclinations and potential can be clearly read from the birth chart itself and same goes true for astrology too.

Though some combinations are mentioned in ancient classics (like in Saravali, Sarvartha Chintamani etc), we will work on broader guidelines which can be replicated and can give us a framework to work on. Let’s have a look at some reliable patterns which indicates desire, potential and even destiny of soul to learn, explore and master the art of Jyotisha.

1.The role of Mercury and Jupiter comes prime. The signs of these planets, i.e Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are very important. Mercury relates to the principle of Buddhi, the intellect and Jupiter is agent which helps one accumulate. Influence of these two planets needs to be studied in depth, especially with ascendant, Moon, second, fifth and tenth house.

2.The position of Moon is of paramount importance. The sign and house both hold great significance. Also the characteristics of Nakshatra in which Moon is placed needs to be known. Apart from nature, nakshatra of Mercury, Jupiter and Ketu are very encouraging. Overall state of Moon has to be well analyzed.

3.Venus though is not directly related to process of learning, but the state of Venus defines the level of receptivity in individual. Also it would define how well one is able to absorb and articulate and develop subtle emotional connect which can help one reach more refined interpretations.

4.Role of Ketu, the real innovator and intuitive explorer, is of huge significance. Ketu when under impact of Jupiter produces extremely brilliant insights. Ketu in 5th/9th/8th is very helpful. Rahu too shows researched based mindset, but learning under the influence of Rahu can have darker sides too.

5.Mars when in formidable position, can give great logic and rare and precise predictive skills. Its strength also signifies the desire and energy levels in individual to pursue the path of knowledge itself. Similarly, the radiance of Sun in chart can give amazingly refined skills to learn.

6.Saturn though rarely associated with process of learning, its strength and power can give one extremely refined analytical skills. But it has got importance when we see things in grander way. Saturn is the agent of detachment and its impact on Moon, ascendant on Mercury can give ability to judge things impartially. Also the charts where Spiritual inclinations are present (again the field of Saturn), one will learn and practice Jyotisha with a sense of detachment being driven by Divine plan. It’s never ever enough to actually describe the might of Saturn.

7.Though any particular house cannot be linked to learning astrology, still some house are important relatively. Presence of major yogas in angular(Kendra) or trine(Trikona) house is of major influence. Also role of 2nd,8th and 12th house should be studied well. For example, if second house has very helpful combinations the predictive/intuitive skills comes naturally. In similar manner an activated eighth house of chart shows predictive skills by the Grace and extremely refined intuitive skills. The study of fifth and ninth house is extremely important as it clearly defines the latent capacities and inclinations of individual.

8.Role of dasa is also important. Dasa (time period pattern) of potent planet which favors learning or practicing astrology when falls in prime years, it helps one in brilliant way. Also in subtle sense we can see if one is being driven by momentary impulse (the role of antardasa, i.e. sub period) or is working in more organized way (role of Mahadasa, i.e. major period).

9.Lastly, but very important point is to see the overall fabric of chart. It’s very much possible that chart has combinations to learn and practice astrology, but in composite way tendencies are lower. As per Shri K.N Rao, astrologer also falls in three categories, the one practicing with utmost spirit, taking it like Saadhna, the Satvik group. Ones practicing it in morally upright way and have worldly duties to fulfill, the Rajsik group. The third ones, being propelled by dark motives will lead to further darkness as their motives are Taamsik, i.e. coming from the domain of lust, greed, or revenge. However, this point is for seeing the bigger motives of individuals and to check from where impulse to learn and practice is coming.

Continuing the momentum, in next part, we will discuss the scope and implementation of these guidelines on charts of individuals who have enlightened the world with their knowledge and wisdom.

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