
Jupiter in first house

Throughout the history, human beings have been endeavoring to explore, learn and expand the horizons of their minds in search of something better. When it comes to expansion and advancement of any aspect, the mighty and pious Jupiter comes into the picture if we try to map things in astrological sense. Jupiter is the planet signifying the upward flow of energy and desire to expand and accumulate. This is the force of nature which generates hope and makes one rooted and visionary. It’s a symbol of hope and Truth. Like the planet Saturn defines the limitations and challenges which a Soul has to face, position of Jupiter shows the level of blessings and potential of individual to rise, expand and evolve. Birth of an individual with Jupiter placed in ascendant is by no means a meager placement. When one comes with this mighty planet being positioned in first house itself, then it is the birth of huge significance. Before we move into specifics it’s important to repeat that how Jupiter actually behaves will depend on the sign in which it is placed. Let’s move to discussion of what are the possibilities when the Guru of Gods is positioned in the first house, when a Soul begins its journey on earth.

In first house Jupitarian influence is mostly positive and very uplifting. It indicates a mighty Soul who has descended to accentuate the process of evolution and to reap the fruits of good Karma. Expansion occurs on all planes here. It shows very faithful, calm and centered personality with forward looking attitude. Until and unless Jupiter is badly placed here, results are generally very encouraging. Presence of Jupiter in first house shows deep influence of this planet on psyche of individual. Prolonged education and love for learning are generally seen and one remains busy throughout the life span in gathering knowledge of various branches. It’s not just about the formal degrees, it’s actually about the essence, about the knowledge which helps one broaden the horizons of mind in which Jupiter is really interested in. Under positive influence of Jupiter one would gain mastery in many subjects and high level of education with excellence in academics is seen. There will be flair for writing and based upon other planetary influence, writers, consultants, healers and great teachers are born with such influence. The real essence here is that Jupiter will first make one accumulate enough wisdom which can start, resume or accelerate the process of understating of life in general in a grander way and later this leaning will be passed on to the masses as per latent capacities of individual.

Under the strong and healthy Jupiter here individual has unparalleled faith which would be literally unbreakable, seemingly coming from deep belief in his own abilities. Prolonged education and great command in work will come leading to great fame and respect. Jupiter generally gives traditional or very philosophical outlook here and degree of rigidity will depend on the sign. Like when placed in fixed sign, these individuals will be almost impossible to convince as they will be deeply rooted in their own principles. Movable or dual signs make one’s approach relaxed and open to changes. Institution of marriage is generally very sacred to them and one derives brilliant support from partner who often has developed intellectual levels too. The most fantastic aspect of Jupiter being here is ability to have a far sightedness and if other planets are also aligned nicely, then great visionaries are born. Charitable and very generous Souls are indicated when Jupiter becomes powerful here and often purpose of life moves beyond fulfilling the needs of body and self. In some of the rare cases, this placement can even indicate Soul of the sage (or sage like) being incarnated to fulfill some bigger mission. Being driven by Divine plan, one can become leader with mass following and dedicated his life for bringing change in society through accumulated wisdom and blessings of past.

The inclination and path where expansion of Jupitarian influence works is greatly modulated depending on the sign. Like when placed in signs of Mercury, one feels greatly motivated to gather knowledge. Signs of Venus are challenging to Jupiter, as here the idealism presented by this planet suffers a blow and one spends prolonged span of time in satisfying material impulses and expansion becomes horizontal, taking deep colors of mundane world. When Jupiter becomes weak here, it can show up as extreme rigidity and unwillingness to learn. It signifies a need to conquer lower qualities before typical Jupitarian pattern of growth and affluence can be experienced. Like one can be extremely arrogant inviting many troubles upon himself and in the process of creating and then bearing such troubles the scope of leaning arises. Excess self-indulgence and shortsightedness can mar the vision. Many attachments and self-created bondages along with mind which hovers intensely about the matters of sexuality can result in weakening of physical and emotional stamina. Weak Jupiter in first house doesn’t loses its auspiciousness totally, rather it indicates that Soul is lost and needs some re-learning. On mundane level it can show up as excessive attachment to people and things and many hardships on path of education. Most importantly, such individuals need to rise above many lower qualities as it’s all about turbulences in external world owing to disturbed equation with self and understanding of how things work (lack of comprehension of laws of nature). Nevertheless, it’s a placement which indicates immense blessings and makes it possible for individual to take a giant leap in very swift manner and also contributes to society in memorable way.

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