
Year 2016 : Impact on Libra Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This is the year of rise and freedom for you. Though changes would appear gradually, but would definitely be of great impact in longer run. The foremost area where extremely pleasant changes are awaiting you is your financial status. This year you would see increase in your financial abundance. The phase of stagnation in money matters will leave your life now. Time post March specifically is extremely good when it comes to financial freedom. Rise in your salary, expansion of your business leading to increased turnover is seen. Your reach and network is bound to increase which would help you gain more. Trend of wastages on undesired channels, expenses in unplanned ways, all are going to reduce majorly and this year the main highlight is pleasant increase in your overall worth. This is very good year for these are looking for long term investment. The first half will generate huge inertia which would set you in brilliant place to carry forward your rise. If you are expecting job changes or rise in your work and if your individual charts are supportive enough, then this year will surely see you changing your jobs. If you are planning to start something of your own or enter into new ventures, then you can make a start early this year.

Many of you would see your love life blossoming very beautifully and this is good year for development of long term bonds. Those who are looking for marriage would find things getting finalized. For matters of love and relationships, time is favorable till July this year. Though changes in work life are possible, but real essence of this year is increase in your network, your reach, your popularity and your overall grip in whatever you do. You flourish in your chosen field of work. The latter half of this year also holds the possibilities of expanding your work beyond your present locations and those involved in internet/media based work would find great support from all the corners. As you move into second half of this year trend will change to travel very strongly. You can visit many places and both short and long travels are seen. Those looking for long term stay in foreign lands in connection to work, this year has real potential for making it happen. Even going abroad for education or religious/Spiritual purpose is seen. Another very strong possibility this year is gain from lands and properties. Its good year to buy/sell and any dealing in real estate would give you good returns. In broader sense this is year when your assets are going to grow and if you stand a chance to get assets/wealth from inheritance, it can manifest this year. Continuing on same lines, time between August to December shows new vehicle, new home and many objects of your desire coming to you. During this phase many happy events are going to take place in your family life. This year ends your financial stagnation and bring good level of relief for you people. Your life moves ahead and many positive changes this year would give you courage and enthusiasm to believe in Universal justice once again.

Winds of change
Without any doubt many positive changes would uplift your state of mind but challenges are part of everyone’s life and your sign is no exception. Though you have already seen stiff test from Saturn in recent years and this year’s lessons are more of qualitative in nature, much mild and less fatal. This year your biggest threat comes from your attitude. Though after taking experiential knowledge of Laws of Karma by master Saturn its really difficult to develop ego and attitude, but still you run a real time risk this year. Rise in your aggression can lead to many complications this year and primary its your friends, relatives and family members who can suffer owing to your rash and mindless behavior. There seems to be much confusion in your social life and you also run a risk of getting deceived. This year your financial state is no doubt going to see a pleasant rise, but now and then you can feel the heat. Like months between Jan-March and then June-July are sensitive and can suck your money badly. Don’t be in hurry to invest your money, else losing it is a big possibility. Another concerning area is your health which though looks fine but some minor issues can persist, especially in ENT region. Loosing focus and motivation is another stumbling block which you need to face and overcome this year, especially in second half.

Potential lessons
You people are already high on learning as Lord Saturn has kept you on your knees. This year too many things needs to be learned, but in milder ways. First and foremost is keeping your cool and not reacting blindly. Stay rooted, do not forget to check facts and always act rather than react. Your anger and aggression can bring much harm to your relations which otherwise are looking good. Another very subtle yet heavy message that you should listen to is not to choose shortcuts or illegal ways to earn money. Your mind can get attracted to such mediums where hard work is less and gains are quick. Do not give attention to such tendencies as its repercussions could be fatal and very messy. As pointed out earlier, you run a risk of being deceived by someone close in your social circle, so do not let anyone manipulate you by showing you big dreams. Stay ethical and totally honest in your dealings, not because everyone says so and its written in books but because Saturn is still testing you from the behind and if you show Him that you have forget the lessons learnt in past, then results could be traumatic.

By Almighty’s grace you will gain much this year and rise in your living standards should not cause your ego to swell. Remain humble and grounded. Investing your money or lending your money to someone (basically where you keep your money) should be done with extreme caution. Take second opinion in such critical matters. Another gentle point is to moderate what you eat. This year your metabolism can see turbulence. Give your stomach a balance diet and prefer fresh and light food majorly. You can feel the mess pretty soon if you let yourself loose. Lastly, as you move deeper into the year your energies can become diffusive and that would be the time when you would be required to motivate and gather yourself and keep going. If we summarize what you need to learn, then in simpler sense it would be perfect to state that do not forget what mighty Saturn has taught you in past. That would suffice.

Spiritual journey

You have been on a long Spiritual ride with none other than Saturn in driver’s seat. This year Saturn will gradually give the reigns to pious Jupiter and hence your journey will continue but in much peaceful way. This year is slow to begin as far as Spiritual experience or urges are concerned but will grow into mighty one as you enter in second half. This could be very effective year for the ones engaged in Spiritual activities. Post July you will see rise in your desire to connect with Divine. Long spell of Meditation, frequent prayers and urge to sit in contemplation are seen. Visiting to many places of religious and Spiritual importance is seen and even long stays at such places is also possible. The intensity of this year can be so huge that aspiring individuals can get initiated and meeting Guru is real time possibility. Those who have already gained wisdom and aspire to spread knowledge, can make a move to roam and teach to masses. This year is very good for any form of kind act, for charity, for uplifting others, for extending your helping hand to less privileged, for traveling to far off places to experience the contrast and let your consciousness expand to new horizons. Apart from money and power, this year also brings you a genuine chance to march ahead in inner journey in conscious manner. Time for your spirit to get renewed.

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