
Year 2016 : Impact on Virgo Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
More power to you people. This is a year of change and rise for you. Many areas will witness pleasant changes. The foremost being your work. This is the year where many of you can change your work. Vibes of change and expansion are strong when it comes to your work life. The strongest pattern of this year is to start something of your own and get into exciting new ventures. The preparations for it should begin early in year and time post March is specifically very strong to get started. When you enter August, things will become fully conducive to get into full swing. Its year of expanding your network, for expanding your business, for making more contacts, for increasing your reach in terms of quality and quantity as well. Months from Feb to July are good for making a blue print and working hard on your aspirations. The second half of this year stands for actual manifestation. Another very strong pattern for you is education. Many of you will take admissions formally and can even go abroad for it. Travel is another strong pattern that will remain active throughout year. In fact this year can turn out to be most the hectic of them all. You can be literally on your toes, as both domestic and international trips will keep coming all throughout the year.

Intense socialization is also seen. Those working in creative fields or in fields where communication, mass media, internet etc is inherent part of work, rise is certain and they are sure to find new ways of connecting. Speaking generally, this is the year of enhanced connectivity for you Virgo people. Your phase of isolation and temporary dejection will fade away gradually as you will move into second half of this year.  Financially this is pretty fine year and gains will come slowly and what is more evident is gains from lands and properties. Its the year where overall assets of yours are going to see pleasant increase. Many of you will buy new vehicles, new home. Shopping and spending on your desired things leading to fulfillment of your desire will make you joyful. As you move into the second half of the year, trends will change. Form second half the best of year will start to unfold itself. This is the year when love bonds will develop. Its year for love and romance and your personal life will get a major push. For those who are looking for marriage, it’s almost a certainty. For those who need some Divine intervention to solve complexities of your family lives, this year will bring the blessing with tithe essence of this year is expansion and transformation in almost all areas of your life. You make new plans, you meet new people, your mind receives new ideas and you desire and work to change your life in best possible manner.

Winds of change
Many changes and challenges too await you this year. The initial months of this year particularly Jan – March and then June-July are sensitive when it comes to your health and also shows probability of big goof up at work and in your relationships. Those who are connected with their loved ones with distance specially need caution as scope for huge misunderstandings are there. This particular year is actually very high in confusion within your social circle which could bring end to many of your relations. Your friends, your close relatives, your coworkers all can face the heat of your excess aggression. Your rising aggression and bluntness in speech and acts can hurt your image and relations as well. Another real time challenge this year is to face your escapists behavior. There could be strong and highly narcissists tendencies in you along with desire to skip your duties. For some of you this can be the time (specially time till July) when you can lose yourself in various addictions. This year the play of random and destructive energies can provoke you to neglect the reality and create a world of your own. Connected to such behavior is your health. Your eyes, ear, shoulders are prone. In most deeper sense this excessive self-indulgence can lead to emotional imbalance. Health of someone elder in family looks disturbing in initial half of the year. There is much to balance in your life and your success and achievements will come after you get determined and actually work on your weaker areas.

Potential lessons
The foremost teaching which is going to help you in long run is to control your aggression and energies. You need to learn to live in balance and in awareness. The first half can make you extremely impulsive and lose your logic, which can lead to many complications. Your health is another area which looks weak and actually its your own mistakes and casual attitude which will be the root cause of imbalance created in your body(please note that this year’s imbalance of energy would impact your emotional and physical health both).Another critical lesson is to maintain your dignity in your social relations. You can find things too much to bear when it comes to some of your old relations and owing to rush of emotions you can cross the line of dignity leading to embarrassing moments. If you really want to part your ways with someone make sure it happens in peaceful way. On top of everything lies lesson to remain balanced in your escapists tendencies. Some of you can take break from work, some of you can break relations and some can even loose themselves in various sorts of addictions. This losing your senses can become major issues this year if you remain unconsciously driven by the events happening around you.

One of the very important message of this year is to learn to follow rules and take orders with respect. Your rising ego and bluntness can pose major hurdles when it comes to your professional relations. Don’t goof up your image at workplace, stay honest and ethical and try to find sense when someone gives you work or order. As discussed previously, this year is high on starting new ventures or getting into new profiles. What you need to remain very sure is that your plan is solid and you have done your homework well. As you would be riding high on energy levels, getting into something new should not come for the sake of it. Plan in details and be logical in whatever you think, say or do.

Spiritual journey

You can feel as if you are getting some insights or are on Spiritual path, but this whole notion can be deceiving. This year is low on real substance when it comes to your inner awakening. The push from planetary alignment will come later this year. Post August you will get in position to see what’s actually happening in your life and desire to link things for comprehensive understanding will arise in you. There are some visits to religious and Spirituals places this year, but internally your mind can remain deeply muddled in mundane affairs. Be true to yourself and do not pretend what is actually not there. Its completely fine not to walk on path of religion or Spirituality if it’s not coming from inside. First give priority to affairs of your life and sort things there. Manage your energy and remain balanced and more importantly remain available in present moment. The Spiritual urges and journey can wait now and once you organize your life decently; Jupiter will reignite your inner journey once again.

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