
Saturn in twelfth house

Twelfth house is one of the most complex area of chart and hence most misunderstood and not really well explained, especially when it comes to placement of planet like mighty Saturn. Saturn in itself is considered to be most intriguing planet and when it gets placed in twelfth house of birth chart, it is quite certain that implications are far reaching and needs very careful approach. To begin with, it’s important to know what twelfth house really is. Speaking in broader sense, twelfth house calls for a big shift. Its change from material to non-material. In terms of physics analogy, it can resemble black hole, an area where things disappear or are lost. Its call to human to look beyond desires (after thorough and repeated experiences), and come out of unconscious living, what typically is called getting out of the wheel of Samsaara, the escape from cycle of mundane existence. Saturn here can be very influencing .Let’s see its manifestations in various forms.

Saturn when placed in its weak or afflicted state here, i.e not in friendly sign or lacking power, then it shows deep suppression from the possibility of successful escape mechanism. What it means is that it causes suppression of possibilities where one can hope to go beyond material existence and experience peace. Being placed in twelfth house doesn’t literally mean its Spiritual, rather in its weaker state it will annihilate all possibilities to wake up. Twelfth house shows how well one is able to cut off from worldly affairs and reach the state of bliss. This bliss often means different things for different person. For a normal man, this bliss might be turning on the TV and loosing into world of drama and then shutting down senses in deep sleep. For Spiritual aspirant bliss is state where world disappears and a connectivity is made with the Self and yet for many escape comes in form of addictive where there is temporary bliss and relief from pain. Weak Saturn here means that in desire for pleasure one can invite many further complications. When its state is very afflicted, even the moral sense and ethical values can get too down and one can get attracted towards many illegal acts but this would require complete enquiry of chart.

Even if the Spiritual inclinations are present, one would work in a very self-centered and cunning manner to realize fruits of his actions for self-pleasure alone. The outlook towards charity, religious or Spiritual activities and alike can be of something which would ultimately bring good in return. The essence of difficult Saturn here is that one can find invite more troubles and more bondage irrespective of motives and intention, Saturn here has to throw one into deep layers of materiality so that complete darkness can be felt and gradually after exhaustion of Karma a Soul can again cry and root for liberation. This is good placement for moving abroad and often level of suffocation that exists inside decrease when a person migrates. Generally, rate of growth in life is slow and same goes true for growth in finances. Here Saturn shows some grudges or painful events being stored as strong impressions in subconscious mind which could unconsciously drive an individual. In some cases, the intensity of this suffocation can be huge and one can become fearful and very suppressive when it comes to immediate reaction to anything or any person.

A strong and healthy Saturn alters the whole story here. One gets great recognition in later years and often realizes his or her true potential after many trials and struggles of life, but once this realization comes, rise will be fantastic. Though being the planet of Karma and Justice, its real power lies in bringing out the best of Spiritual tendencies. One become a giant and even can look like messiah when Saturn is very powerful and healthy here. It shows mastery of a person on lower human qualities and indicate birth with a mission where one can work incessantly towards the upliftment of masses and Higher truth and Universal consciousness can be felt within like Ultimate reality. One’s ego can get dissolved here and personal motives will be surrendered before wish of Divine in order for greater causes. This Saturn can bless one with much wealth and assets along with great reputation but when Saturn sits with its glory here one would not really stay stagnant in enjoying the fruits of his actions, rather real joy will be felt in giving. One can become teacher, healer, consultant and even a Spiritual Guru. Even the smallest of act will be done in the detached manner and elements of Karma Yogi will be clearly felt in such individual. The real beauty of this placement can be described so elegantly in the words of Pablo Picasso, 
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

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