
Remedial measures - Nature,scope and applicability

The most fundamental and higher use of Vedic astrology is rarely discussed and used as now most of the ‘astrologers’ use it for merely predictions, making this branch of knowledge loose its real sheen and might. Though this is what is widely prevalent now and once the sensitive or bad predictions are made, one’s mind instantly jumps to the remedies, the ways in which relief can be obtained or pain can be completely escaped. Remedial measures aren’t totally right or wrong and actually depends on solidity of character of counselor and intake capacity and limits of mind of a person at the receiving end. Though there is no strict parameter in which we can bind these remedial measures, still in a very broader pattern let’s see their nature, scope and applicability.

The most prevalent form of remedies are the ones which seems very isolated and looks magical. Often these are told by ‘astrologers’ with extreme level of confidence with the aim of completely escaping the pain. These form of remedies actually fall in the Taamsik category, i.e the one who prescribes and the one who accepts, both move towards the dark regime without desire or capacity to understand why such ‘remedy’ has been prescribed and how it’s going to work. Taamsik refers to the state of mind where you are concerned with result only without any form of knowledge or desire to know the mechanism of their working and even are not concerned whether such any Karma(remedy) done will create further web of Karma or not. Let me narrate one such case from my own personal experience (told by one of my close association).

This person was going through difficult Sadesaati (7.5 years cycle of Saturn) and one such ‘pandit’ told him remedy to take 7 almonds and bury them in ground (the confidence in which such remedies are prescribed is something delightful to watch). Now this person, under tremendous pressure and test from Saturn, did all this. Results? laughable. He didn’t get even iota of relief and saw rigorous form of Sadesaati ahead. Question is, can you really equate 7 almonds (or any such weird, magical looking remedy) with Karma generated in your previous lives? Do you think Karma can be so easily escaped by such remedies? These remedies though give instant confidence and one feels as if he has found the gateway to heaven, but practically they change nothing and can even take one into more complications (if such remedies involve dark path of tantra or alike). These forms of remedies should be totally avoided as they arise from darkness and lead to darkness alone.

Next ones are more logical and falls under the category of Raajsik. These are prescribed by competent astrologers after seeing birth chart in right manner. Here the motive is genuinely helping the person. These remedies can be of different sorts like prescribing mantra for planets, gem therapy, specific types of charities and even some long ritualistic remedies. Now this category again can be divided into further sub groups where a set of astrologers would prescribe measures which involve huge amount of money which fulfil their own greed. Such remedies aren’t fully pious as astrologer attach his or her greed, intention is to make money rather than genuinely uplifting other’s state. The better group belongs to the ones who prescribe therapy or any remedy solely for the relief of client. Despite the fact that such measures when prescribed with honest intention does help, still this category is vulnerable as it is really difficult for a layman to judge as to where greed and dishonesty of astrologer creeps in. This category is very wide ranging from grossly Taamsik-Rajsik to logical and uplifting Raajsik-Saatwik, but is quite helpful when moral stand of astrologer is pure and intentions are honest.

The highest form of remedies, the Saatwik ones, are the best and are prescribed by the ones who are practicing astrology as a tool to reach the state of enlightenment or those who are on path of knowledge themselves. These remedies though when prescribed do not appeal and even something dies within client (as hope to escape pain, instantly, is not given here). Until and unless clients too is in same state, they listen to such remedies with broken heart and dying hope. Their eyes become gloomy as these remedies do not seem magical or even logical at all. These remedies are recitation of particular stotra, recitation of God’s name, charities, Seva or change in behavioral patterns (modern approach to astrology). Service to others (Seva) prescribed here can hurt the ego of ‘successful’ client (from the reference of society). Seva, selfless charities and recitation of God’s name, whatever faith or sect one belongs to, are the most Saatwik of highest form of remedies which work in most intricate ways and bring blessing in subtle form. They can take time and even do not promise to alleviate one’s pain in current life span (in visible form), but these are the only ones which work without another set of negative Karma being generated simultaneously. These measures see planets as medium of Divine to express some lessons and apart from raising mundane and emotional state of individual in long run, such remedial measures ignite Spiritual urges and knowledge starts to dawn too, aligning one’s karma naturally towards the state of perfection.

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