
Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 2017 ) : Impact on Pisces sign

You are back. This is the transit for you, something which you wanted so badly since so long is finally here. Jupiter transit to Virgo for you Pisces people is the phenomena which will bring huge relief for you, this is the movement clearing the way for hope to sprout again and symbolizes great resurgence of your Spirits. You people have seen tremendous restructuring/suppression in many areas till now and what you need at the moment is stabilization in those areas. This is exactly what this transit will bring to you. Jupiter transit for you means entry of pious Guru into seventh house from your Moon sign which is auspicious from all the angles, so smile and get ready for the celebrations, make space for fresh winds to enter in your life.

First and foremost change that will be felt is tremendous change in the way you feel about life itself. This is the period where your Spirits will stand up once again and will crave for the sky. You find enthusiasm and courage back in your life. You are going to be motivated in leaps and bounds. You will clearly feel that positive energy inside yourself, bubbling to come out, more so as it has been put under lid since last one year. The issues and tasks that are lying pending and unsolved due to either lack of will to face them, or just due to plain ignorance will come to the surface and you will be in mood to finish them off with your master stroke. Stroke will be yours, the same you always had, but strength and mighty force will be transmuted by Jupiter himself. This transit will bring an altogether new breeze in your life. You will witness new opportunities coming your way which will actually lift your overall mood. You will now be actively involved in whatever is happening around you. You will make new plans, expand your reach among people, looking forward to each sunrise as if something truly exciting is going to happen with you, which actually will.

In career matters, change is seen of both qualitative and quantitative in nature. Higher authority is seen with rise in financial status also. This is year when new opportunities would usher in lot, which were on hold since long. Your work life moves with new energy infused. This transit is very powerful and can bring positive changes in work and those looking for new job/a rise can expect good news. Months of September to December 2016 are brilliant for taking your work life to next level. Also one of the typical trait of this transit for you is foreign travel or in other ways, simply increased level of travels. Foreign travels, many tours and short trips are strongly seen now. Also change of place and relocation is also favored if also favored from individual’s chart. For the ones looking for starting their own work, this is the year to get started. Expansion of business, greater connectivity and more gains with many new beginnings is what this transit will bring to you.

Now to get specific about the pattern of months, time between September 2016 to January 2017 has free rise and will generate many new opportunities which will cause free expansion in many areas of your life. These are the months when rate of growth would be healthy and movement of your life quite swift. Months between February to June 2017 will reduce the acceleration and much hard work would be required to achieve success or sustain what you have already achieved. In fact, these are the months when you can feel a sudden low, backward movement of things and events, or simply a dull phase where your determination would be tested thoroughly.

Another very big area of change, and that too pleasant one, is bright change in your social life. Blossoming of new relationships is seen, falling in love, expressing your inner most desire to close ones, increase in intimacy between partners/lovers and strengthening of bond between married couple, this year is meant to take your relationship to next level. Marriage is certainty for those who are looking for it. For extending the family this is a very supportive transit. Your period of isolation ends and you come out of your limited shells. Meeting with new people is seen, this is the year for expansion of your network. People around you will become medium for your growth, offering help and understanding your concerns. This transit brings the opportunity to reshuffle your relations, particularly which are close to you and the sharpest impact is going to come on personal relationships. Months between February to June 2017 will be testing in nature and blessings granted by Jupiter will need your commitment and extreme sincerity. These months can also bring some strong reshuffling in your personal, professional and public relations in general and can bring changes of very long term impact.

Jupiter transit for you is going to free you from bondage and your Soul is once again ready to sing the song and eager to experience multi dimensionality of the world around. Embrace the change, live the joy but with the sense of farsightedness and sincere responsibility.

Heart of the matter :
1.Jupiter moves into Virgo sign on 11-12th August 2016 and will remain in it till 11th September 2017.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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