
Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 2017 ) : Impact on Libra sign

The timing of transit is very peculiar when it comes to Libra people. You are already undergoing through extremely prolonged test from Saturn(Sadesaati) and now movement of Jupiter means pious Guru moving into twelfth house from your Moon which means test of your learned lessons in very refined sense. Jupiter transit to Virgo bring a shift in perception and time now shows changes appearing in and around you which will be more of qualitative in nature. Impact areas are many. It might not seem very happening transit if you judge it by usual parameters, but it is indeed time for inner dynamics to work in the back ground to make your future more colorful.

On career front you would be required to focus more intensely not because of any negative trend, rather owing to your own diffusing energies. Your mind will now run to gain answers to some of the metaphysical questions (why this happened, what this event has got in for me in deeper sense etc) which can impact your efficiency temporarily. On the concrete level, you can be required to relocate, to assume greater responsibilities and much more effort and dedication will be expected which can frustrate you as it can come as sudden or in unplanned way. Many foreign travels are seen to get activated now and generally this is the transit when you will travel to many places. Travel for work, for pleasure and more importantly to seek that inner satisfaction. Though the best part here is that compared to other signs, Libra sign will have blessings throughout the transit and career rise and changes are possible for the best when done with caution, keeping long term gains in mind. Your schedule is going to get much busy, and immense hard work and focus would be required as well, but returns would be pretty good too. Though not so intense as for other signs, greater effort, patience and awareness (about politically motivated people, their intentions, etc.) would be needed post February 2017.

Financially this seems a mixed phase where growth and expenses can go in parallel. In coming time, you need to spend wisely, invest wisely and treat your money and all resources very sacredly. Though much positivity is also seen. Many assets are seen to be added too, a new home, a land or property deal, a new vehicle and many other desired objects will be gradually added to your lifestyle, so this transit does have some strong hints of ‘normal’ growth too. Also this is good transit for getting lump sum amount of money. Sudden big gains are also seen, particularly between September 2016 to January 2017. Property, money, house, or any other form of legacy, if applicable, can come to you in this time. You can take up renovation of your house, put your energies very strongly in solving matters of home which would bring great harmony back in your family life. Strengthening of love among your family members is seen in this transit and it would also bring back the healthy positive vibes in your surroundings.

This transit also needs you to give your health topmost priority. Again, the priority doesn’t mean that one is going to face health issues, rather it will be your desire to live more optimally. Another very subtle point here is that with decreasing grip of Saturn, your health would stabilize majorly and all you need to do now is to remember why things went wrong, i.e keep the lessons of past well intact with you. You are seen maintaining a routine, doing yoga, aerobics, meditation or whatever gives you that lively feeling, for maintaining your health up to the mark. Your health, both at physical and emotional level would gradually become robust as you progress in this transit.

Now the most critical factor, about the timing of this transit for you. Combination of Sadesaati (though in very last phase) and twelfth house transit of Jupiter can scare when one tends to think transit of planets as rigid phenomena, but actually its very dynamic one. It’s not the weak transit for you, rather Saturn-Jupiter dual transit will impart good results slowly to you and also demanding you to remember every lesson that you have learnt in last many years. In fact, for Spiritual aspirants, this is mind blowing year as such year arrives in decades. This year has the capacity to fulfil the greatest desire in Spiritual/religious matters. If you truly desire and make efforts, then your connection with the Divine will be almost instant. It’s the year to witness miracles in inner world and take a giant leap in process of evolution. It’s the year where manifest and un-manifest will walk hand in hand. You become silent and grander picture starts to emerge, your inner mind will be able to link series of events which occurred in past, which means upcoming opportunities in various aspects will make you realize what have you gained in past and for what exact purposes hardships were given to you. For those who have become steadfast in approach, stable in outlook and naturally patient will find this transit smooth and rewarding and Jupiter enriching their life inside out in positive way.

Heart of the matter:

1.Jupiter moves into Virgo sign on 11-12th August 2016 and will remain in it till 11th September 2017.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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