
Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 2017 ) : Impact on Scorpio sign

This is the change you have been asking, dreaming and praying for. This is the transit which is going to give you great support. You people are undergoing through tremendously challenging times owing to Saturn’s Sadesaati and this current transit of Jupiter comes as an immensely powerful shield for you. It’s time to dream again. Jupiter transit to Virgo for Scorpio people is starting of an era, beginning of new phase of life. Jupiter moves to your eleventh house from Moon sign which is known for all goodies, for growth, for increase in wealth and for moving ahead. It’s going to be extremely pleasing to read in-depth about the impact areas brought by pious and benevolent Guru. Hold your breath, excitement is ready to usher in, from all corners.

Changes appear at so many levels and to begin with, work life is the foremost area which is sure to get enlightened. For many of you, it’s a fresh phase which will bring change in work or even work line itself. This is phase for elevation so changes appearing in context of your work would be in expansive sense. More responsibilities with greater authority are clearly seen. For the ones who will continue to work at same place, this transit will bring major support from people around and rise in profile and image is seen which will get converted to many aspects in subtle way. This is brilliant phase to get started with your own work as well. You people have been put on hold by Lord Saturn for too long now and movement of Jupiter is like a green signal from the Universe for your journey back on track. It’s a life force infusing transit for you. Your work life will be infused with life, with freshness and new zest will drive you. It’s time to take your career or business to next level. For getting new opportunities in your career, time between September 2016 to January 2017 is best and post this timeline you would be needed to prove your worth and immense dedication would be required to sustain your position. So don’t get too overwhelmed, your skills, patience and position would all be tested after initial rewards.

Financially this is a fantastic phase, but coupled with responsibilities. You see major transformation in your life. This transit will activate better times and your wealth is now all set to grow gradually. You get your stuck money back, new avenues open up gradually which gives you chance to earn. For many of you Jupiter’s blessings will result in juggling between more than one sources of earning. New jobs, or rise at work will definitely result in increased monetary gains. The period of lack and stagnation in context of your assets and money matters now ends. Its important to keep in mind that you should be ready first inside your mind to receive the blessings, i.e you need to leave behind your inertia which you have accumulated owing to test from Sadesaati. Open up and believe. This is important to capitalize the opportunities, else if you allow yourself to be governed by your experiences of past, you would miss it. It’s a phase of ask, believe and receive. Increased wealth and feeling of abundance is the essence of this transit for you. You also need to understand that you cannot remain casual still and time post February you would need you to guard what you have earned and take decisions with immense caution. In rough sense, dividing this transit period into two halves, second half (post Feb 2017) would become stern and would test your values, relations, worth.

Networking is all set to grow as well and this is a phase to come out of your prolonged isolation and self-dejection. Joining new groups, going to new places, meeting variety of people, increased communication around and dynamism in thought process are part of this grace. Your inhibitions will break away rapidly and this will pave a way to new relationships to develop. This is also the time for love to blossom and many new intense relationships will take birth now. Not just for fun and frolic, Jupiter is now in mood to give you long term relationships which can go a long way and marriage is very strongly foreseen for the ones eligible for it. Even this transit is very good for family planning. The second half however can be intensely testing and you can see many old bonds getting broken and personal, social and professional relations all can get thoroughly transformed. Whatever changes appearing right now in your life are of long term nature. Be prepared to see real (or even ugly) faces of people and this transit needs you to remain aware of hidden intention of people while they connect with you.

The best of blessings of Jupiter will manifest in your ability to learn and assimilate. There would be tremendous rise in your creative skills. Good time to formally pursue education, add some new skills, get some certifications, learn music, dance or whatever your heart aspires, the essence here is increase in your overall skill set. Though changes which this transit promises will come very slowly, also testing you on parallel, they are sure to enlighten you in longer run. Diligence is the mother of good luck said the Benjamin Franklin and it’s time for your diligence to pay you back. Rise now.

 Heart of the matter:

1.Jupiter moves into Virgo sign on 11-12th August 2016 and will remain in it till 11th September 2017.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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