
Year 2017 : Impact on Cancer sign

Expansion realms
Cancer people experience many uplifting changes this year and in essence it’s the year for consolidation of your energies and make you grow in steady manner, wherever your attention goes. Now to be specific, your phase of isolation ends and those who were lying alone or not well connected can expect to make a strong comeback in normal stream of life. This is the year for new relationships to develop and your life love is area which would blossom now. Those waiting to get married can surely expect to settle down, especially months between Feb to August are best for it. Your people network grows, you travel more and make many new friends. This is the year of expansion of your social relationships. Another brilliant area is rise in your financial state. You earn more, save more, spend more and enjoy much more. Stagnation you have been facing till now till go away and rise in your earning capacity is seen. Even some of you can expect to receive good sum of money and addition of new fixed assets like new vehicles, gains from properties and alike. The first half of the year make you grow well and overall living standards go high. Though job changes aren’t really smooth this year, still restructuring and very long term changes are now ready to occur. Many of you can even take huge plunge and change your work field itself, give your individual time pattern allow it. Long term and decisive changes in work life are aligned post August this year.

Giving attention to health and preparing yourself for squeezing the best of yourself is now seen. This is the year to meet the next version of yourself .You are seen to work on your health ,on your routine, on your shortcomings and lessons of past will guide you effectively in optimizing your working methods .You intentionally bring a strong quality check in the way you deal with things and people .This is the year of living smart and diving deep within self to restructure your habits and routine for the best .You will get chance to win over your old health issues in gradual way. Issues in family and conflicts in and around you settle down, especially in latter half of the year.

Winds of change
There aren’t many, to please you in the beginning itself. This year is light when it comes to major changes and whatever changes or test you, would come gradually giving you lot of time to adjust your reaction and stabilize yourself. Still, you will find some relationships and bonds getting broken, after undergoing though rough phase. Personal relationships can undergo through testing time as well and months of Feb to June can be pretty tough here. Your health, which does look good as a whole, can go through rough patches and some of the very old and/or neglected areas can come to surface again asking for undivided attention. Initial half of the year is where you will see such issues appearing and second half is the place where you need to act. Next area where vibes of change would appear is your work life. Many of you can experience slowdown of your career graph. Despite your hard work and long working hours, you can still feel unappreciated and desire for change would rise each day. Though some of you can expect usual job changes post September, but in essence this is not the usual year. Now many of you can expect major changes and reshaping of your career, like leaving job, getting into business, staring something of your own is seen and this whole process can be pretty unsettling and can even come via some jolts. Those in creative lines and in pursuit of education need to put immense effort and stay more focused as results would come after intense hard work and your level of commitment to your goals would be tested frequently.

Potential lessons
Though the challenges aren’t too much, lessons are. Lessons this year will come gradually and source of most of them would be you alone. In the process of finding new you, you learn much. You learn to throw way the unnecessary emotions, things, people and burden on your soul as well. You learn to live with less and yet derive more. You learn to live in sync with nature. Some of the relationships getting broken and testing scenarios in personal life, though can come as a shock, but ultimately would help you identify who is with you and who was mere an illusion. As you move into second half of year, many of your illusions, assumptions regarding your friends and social life would crumble down and in later part of the year you would realize true importance of family as well. What relationships are, what they serve and on what grounds they survive, this is the subtlest lesson coming your way this year. Some family issues and health of family member, your partner in particular can make you realize, in hard way, importance of caring for the people who matter most but face negligence in our purist to win the world.

Spiritual journey
Initially you feel connected and this year does have some trips to important spiritual places, specially time till August is best for accumulating good karma and your inner journey continues somehow here. Though in broader sense this is not the time for your spiritual urges to blossom. You do make some process, your interest in self evolution, learning increases in weak manner but Spiritual growth is reserved only for the ones whose individual time favor it strongly. Else this year will pull your attention in organizing your mundane life for the best. Your energy remains engaged intensely in your work life, in gathering new assets and on matters of family leaving very small portion for pursuit of Divine. With some external rituals, peripheral growth will occur. Spiritual urges go to hibernation mode and it’s all fine to put your attention on your material aspects. In broader sense this year is preparation for moving to next level in inner world in years to come, till then live this colorful phase of life.

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