
Year 2017 : Impact on Leo sign

Expansion realms
This year comes as a fresh breeze to you Leo people. It’s going to be end of many of your troubles and real beginning of so many positive events of long term impact. In a way, this year refreshes your life all together. Now to get to specifics, with Saturn moving out of your fourth house post Jan end it will be end of your stagnating phase (Dhaiyaa). This year many of your ongoing family conflicts, suppressing environment and bigger disputes end or move towards resolution. You feel immensely light and internal and external struggle settles down in major way. For the ones searching for jobs or looking for rise in work, this is the time to get deserved result. Time between Feb to August is best for your work life to move to next level. Months of July-August can bring some intense events in your work life. This year is also very good for your personal relationship where you find peace and harmony rising, but with intense patience only. New relationships are going to come as well for the eligible ones. Marriage and long term relationships are foreseen. While the first half is best for making new career related moves, its second half which will bring good financial rise. This year, particularly time post September, is very good when it comes to new avenues for wealth. Many gifts, new assets, wealth and higher standard of living are seen in latter half of the year.

Travel trend is also going to open up strongly post August. Re-locations are seen in this year and in general it’s the year when you will be on the move. Your social life becomes strong, your people network grows abundantly and you go on making friends and healthy contacts like blink of the eye. Your public perception becomes better, people shower much more love and your image see a healthy rise. Though in gradual form, your creativity will grow as well. Those in creative lines will start to get better results. For the ones looking for higher education, specially from foreign universities, this is perfect year to make the move. Many happy events in your family are seen which will bring great joy to you. This year when your triangle of Maaya (relationships, wealth and generic worldly engagements) gets activated leading to all round affluence and relationships, wealth, public image and fame all glow for you.

Winds of change
Though the stern test from Saturn ends now, still changes and challenges will continue for you, of course in milder forms. This year can give you tough experiences when it comes to your personal relationships and some of you can even find things crumbling down if your individual charts also show such pattern. Break up and many complexities can be generated especially between Feb to June this year. Many misunderstandings are prevalent, especially in first half of the year. Later part of year also can cause many wastages and scattering of your energies and wealth as well. Change of your place of residence is also possible, but only if otherwise indicated as well. Months of September-October and second half of year in general can cause some old health issues to come to surface again unless thorough attention is given to them. Those in pursuit of education, in creative fields can see some resistance from external factors and slowdown of your performance. You can get stuck in matters of past or some self-created boundaries which can impact your results adversely.

Potential lesson
You have received many lessons in recent past and lessons in lighter ways continue for you. This year brings you lessons in your personal relationships. Many disappointing experiences and gaps created in your intimate relations can give you deeper insights about complex human psychological-behavioral patterns. In its essence it’s also the year to introspect the mistakes of past and work upon them. Needs of family, how to co-exists and deal with elders without really sacrificing your own wishes is very important lesson awaiting you. You learn how to work with people with different views yet not develop closed attitude towards them. In subtle sense this is the year when you will see your energies expanding and major portion of physical world merging in you. Expansion of your consciousness occur which spreads in material aspects mainly. For students, its year to realize importance of a disciplined routine. You also realize importance of family, organizations and in associating with like-minded people. Though your very personal growth and individual philosophy continue to evolve in steady manner, this year you also learn from behavior of others and by getting exposed to alternative views and entirely different approach. Not just within your comfort zone, you also learn from what doesn’t please you or by getting caught up in lifestyle which would evoke opposite values in you, hence bringing clarity what really appeals to you and suit your growth path.

Spiritual journey
Slow and steady wins the race, known to you since ages but this year will show you how and why. You grow gradually but in rock solid way. Yes, this year is also good for your Spiritual purists and growth continues and many big blockages and confusions fades. Many of you are seen to become steadfast in your approach. In esoteric sense this can also means finally choosing a path, or in better words, path choosing you. Though there would be display of many dualities around you but parallelly there would be end of many dualities inside you. You gain clarity, you become grounded, you feel at ease as if your capacity to soak knowledge has been expanded. You become empty, you come in receiving mode and many resistances from family, your work and other obstacles which were preventing smooth flow of Gyan to you now fades away. Depending on your orientation, you can reach tremendous heights this year. This is best year to learn occult sciences, gain mastery in mantra-tantara and other external rituals to accelerate your process of evolution through channel of mind. Trips to religious and Spiritual places will come more frequently now, particularly in second half of year. Blessed ones also have chance to meet Guru, live in ashram and get initiated into Higher knowledge and path. This is indeed the year of beauty when it comes to your personal evolution journey.

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