
Year 2017 : Impact on Sagittarius sign

Expansion realms
Though you are passing through peak phase of test from Saturn, still you do have many positive changes and hope in this year. To begin with, foremost area where you can expect many desired changes is your work life. Stagnation and frustration in work life is sure to end now as you move into his year. Changes in job, expansion in work and/or business, entry into new areas and rise, promotion all comes to you with time. The time frame for this is particularly post August this year though ground will be created well before it. Apart from rise in work and freedom that you feel, it is also the year when you will experience relatively greater financial freedom. This year is extremely good when it comes to rise in your wealth. New avenues for earning opens up, you find more satisfaction in what you have and also gain much help, assets, gifts and material objects of desire from people connected to you. Essence of this year for you is rise in your overall worth. This is best year when it comes to matters of relationships. As you move into this year, you see strong and potent ground being created for your relationship to blossom. Existing relations find harmony while many of you would experience new ones as well. Falling in love and long term relationships are seen, though some of you can also experience some temporary flings. Time post August this year is perfect to get married and for the ones looking to extend their family, this is brilliant year as well.

Your health also improves to some extent and you remain motivated for longer durations now. This year you will see expansion of your public network and you move out of your isolation and self-created world and meeting with old friends, relatives, and acquaintances is seen which is sure to bring immense contrast, hence new insights to you. This directly means greater support from your social life and many of you can also start some venture in partnership and/or with support of your family/friends. This is also very potent year when it comes to pursuit of education, gain of knowledge and many of you can expect some strong skill enhancement. Time for higher education, learning new skills, doing some long-short term courses to move to next step in your work life is seen this year. When it comes to positive areas, this year brings expansion in both qualitative and quantitative sense.

Winds of change
When mighty Saturn is totally in command, changes and challenges are sure to remain strong pattern, which indeed is case with you. Sagittarius people are now under peak phase of their Sadesaati which means this year you must undergo many changes and give stern tests to prove your worth and for learning innumerable lessons. Foremost change is seen in your work and though things are sure to ease in later part of year, but time between Feb to June is stagnating and can see many sudden swings and high voltage moments at work. You will be needed to work extremely hard and that too in detached mode as you might not get deserved appreciation and attention. Many of you would also experience change of location, and it can certainly throw you out of your comfort zones. You will also be required to spend on many necessary areas, hence huge outflow of wealth is also a challenge that you need to face and your discipline will matter the most. In terms of relationship, it’s not an easy year. Things can touch bottom most point and immense misunderstandings, feeling of dejection and unfulfillment can prevail inside you which can prompt you to take some drastic steps. Though such areas are numerous, still to take the essence, you can face extreme uncertainty in work, can become prone to political motive of people around, can experience lows in health and old health issues/new ones can haunt you intensely as well. Relationship and public image is what seems most sensitive point where despite your genuine intention and efforts things might not turn as expected. This year you need to bear changes with grace and not add your frustration and/or resistance. Go with the flow and have faith inside that this all is happening as per grand scheme.

Potential lessons
Indeed, this is the year to learn. With Saturn at its full might, you really don’t have any option but to be more aware and become receptive to learn. You will be given lessons about your major shortcomings. Weakness of your personality will come to surface and you must accept and work on it. If you try to hide or justify your shortcomings, further entanglements are sure to arise. You will face opposition at work, differences in personal, public, professional relations are sure to arise as well. These all are avenues from where Saturn will try to bring lessons for lifetime. You see ugliness of people and your own mess as well. Loopholes in your approach, carelessness and causal attitude and your lower qualities all will get exposed via some events. Old health issues and some new ones as well will pull your attention towards how you can and should align your routine and habits for living a better life. Best thing which you can do this year is to cooperate with events and go with flow. Witness what comes out when faced with severe circumstances. It’s natural to feel sad and even dejected, but what matters is how you act/react after complaining about the situations. The list is practically endless about what you can learn. It won’t be wrong to say that this year one of the most crucial year of your life and will give you timeless wisdom but being wrapped in difficult and painful events, which all are meant for your evolution.

Spiritual journey
You will face whirlpool of events and hence it’s too difficult to recognize the underlying essence of your times and what it is trying to teach. Spiritual journey continues for you but in most indirect ways. You don’t see any logical link in events and even can become rebel. This year your trust on Almighty and His way of working can drop as your life can move into mess in many aspects and your senses will not be able to find out why. Spiritual evolution does continue, but completely hidden from you. It’s like a process which goes on parallel, without your recognition, and its results are realized after a gap of time when your consciousness becomes settled. Its fine not to try too hard to see logical links in your life, it’s not necessary to feel and behave Spiritual, but it’s necessary to do what is required and stay as focused as you can. Don’t run away from your duties and keep doing what’s right, even if you take some time to bounce back to normal stream of life. Once you remain honest and totally committed to your life, in all aspects, Spiritual rewards will come to you at right time and your awareness reaches the state where it can sync in with accumulated lessons. It’s time to experience transformation.

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