
Year 2017 : Impact on Scorpio sign

Expansion realms
This is the year which brings hope on so many areas. Scorpio people enter in this year with strong ray of hope which brings huge relief and impact would actually manifest in all aspects of your existence. Now to get to specifics, this year your test from Saturn enters in last phase and celebrating point is that you have covered most difficult phase now. From now onwards you will see things coming back to shape, better emotional state and lesser friction in family front and career as well. Career is sure to look up this year and opportunities will come to you very swiftly as compared to what you have seen in recent years. New job offers, change in work place, your role and quality of work all are seen to come/improve for the better. Many of you would get deserved rise, promotion, higher authority after phase of much turmoil. Those in business, can surely expect for expansion, better connectivity and greater returns. New career avenues also open up and you just need to move ahead leaving your all inhibitions behind. This is the year of good financial inflow. Better gains from your earning, gifts, appreciation, new investments of long term consequences are aligned in this year. Major financial decisions should ideally be aligned in first half of this year and time till August seems good for riding high and planning long term growth of your money. Though trend of this year is brilliant and you will continue to get good news, positive events all-round the year. Gains from lands and properties is another strong highlight of this year. New vehicles, objects of your desires and many other fixed assets will come to you. Those looking for buying/selling can surely expect better deals in second half. You can target September to December for all major transactions, given you have a proper plan.

First half of this year also has strong promise for those looking for love and settling down. New relationships will blossom and you should be ready to leave old behind as this year brings the fresh breeze with new people. You meet many exciting people and can lose your heart to someone very quickly. Time for marriage also looks perfect for eligible ones and for the ones looking for extending family, this is the perfect year. In fact, one of the most important aspect of this year, at least in initial half, is to enhance harmony in your family environment. Extremely good year for creative pursuits, for students, for anyone looking for adding new skills. Your people network, fame, good will all increases and you do feel light and refreshed, capable of doing more and living with greater sense of freedom.

Winds of change
You do see many changes, but in tolerable limits. The first half of this year is pretty good and will encourage you to take many new initiatives but such new actions and intentions needs end to end responsibility. You can face issues in relationships later on, your health also becomes scattered and so does your finances. When you enter in second half of this year, time post August basically, your time becomes diffusive and slow to move resulting in delays in life. You can see relocation, change in work with additional responsibility can annoy you and also new environment can pose a huge challenge as well. Apart from relocation you can also see enhanced travel in context of work. The essence of challenging part this year is that you do get what you want, at least close to that, but most of it would need you to come out of your comfort zone. Also at home you might see big restructuring and movement to different place, temporary isolation, differences and conflicting situations can arise. Time between April to July will need immense patience here. Managing finances is also a big-time challenge now with huge expenses and responsibilities being aligned in later part of year, particularly post August. To sum up, health, family environment, your work and work place all will need patient approach. Saturn will grant you what you need, but would still try you in its own way, so don’t give up, results would follow once you are ready to go slightly out of your comfort zones.

Potential lessons
You really don’t want any further lessons and indeed the intensity of test decreases for you as Saturn starts its last phase of Sadesaati for you people. Still tests and lessons continue for you, in milder form. You learn to manage your money, you learn that sometimes its important to adjust according to needs of others and also sacrifice some of your impractical wishes. You learn true importance of time and resource management. This year you will see many events which will try to bring your attention to living in most optimal manner. Your Saturn will test you in areas where you have already given tests, just to check whether you have really learnt anything. You are in last phase of your Sadesaati, so don’t allow yourself to relax yet, Saturn will look for loopholes in your personality and will attack without mercy. Act/react from your core, not forgetting your past experiences. You see importance of family, love and support from friends. This is the year when you realize how important it is to remain aligned to your goals and maintain a disciplined routine and Saturn would do it by pulling you in exact opposite domain so that contrast can bring lesson with complete clarity. You learn to give time to yourself and your health. It’s a year when you need to remain comprehensive and keep reminding yourself of why things went wrong in past and what you ought to do and whether you are doing that in present, if not, lessons are sure to reappear to realign you.

Spiritual journey
It’s on its way. When individual is under intense test from Saturn, Spiritual journey actually remains in accelerating mode, only thing is that it becomes too difficult to recognize and take some lessons in conscious ways as most of the energy remains entangled in sorting out matters of concrete world. This year your level of consciousness can drop further and though Spiritual journey continues, you might not realize or can even become reluctant to receive any sort of insights. Still once you move into later part of year, some travels, trips to religious/spiritual places are strongly indicated which will directly bless you and raise your level of awareness. Those who are looking to practice some serious methods, can hope decent success. Moving to ashram, meeting Guru and living in secluded places is very much part of this year, for the ones who are directly involved in Spiritual way of living, this would occur on material plane and for the ones disconnected with any holistic method, this occurs on mental level in form of isolation and even dejection. Try to remain as awake as you can as people, things, events around you would continue to give you hints and would continue to raise your conscious levels. This year Spiritual evolution is slow, but can accelerate once you attach your conscious intention to it.

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