
Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Capricorn sign

“Life is moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing to constantly evolve. Perfection is constant transformation” said actress Nia Peeples. Capricorns people have arrived at the state where they need to accept and/or get ready for the process which would make them realize that indeed life is a dynamic thing, ever changing, ever pushing us to evolve and transform.Saturn now enters sign previous to your Moon sign and thus your Sadesaati has started. But before you catch fear and any assumption arises, it should be made clear that it’s not a period of doom and gloom, rather it’s a period which requires cleansing of your psyche, your accumulated karma and your life style and approach as a whole. Saturn movement to Sagittarius starts your first phase of Sadesaati and result of this transit simply cannot be pronounced in specific sense, as its starting of a very personal journey which really cannot be described in words. It’s one of the most complex, yet beautiful time that one go through in life time. It’s simply beyond reach of human language to fully describe possible manifestations of this phase, still let us see what this Saturn transit can do and wants from you.

Your work life can undergo many possible changes and can see many fluctuating events as well. Excessive work load, high expectations, more responsibility without equal gains are seen. If your individual chart has low period, then this transit of Saturn can also result in loss of job, forced changes or difficulty in sustaining your position. Your weakness can come to surface and you can find it difficult to continue with them anymore. Time till October 2017 is relatively fine for you and your real test lies ahead of that.2018 is the year when your patience and skills will be tested and you can face many abrupt events in career life. There is no need to get panicked. Difficulties that you face would settle down once you are open to changes, accept your weakness, are fine to travel or relocate and are dedicated enough to accelerate your learning process. Much stability would return in 2019.Important points here is not to activate job change intentionally, not take big risk or demand rise and/or other benefits unless you really deserve and are worthy enough. You should preserve what you have and remain ethical and totally dedicated to your work.

You could feel increased sense of responsibility in your life, in your work, in your personal relationships, at home and with your finances. The main aspect here is increased sense of awareness that sincerity is important and you need to deal with utmost practicality as realm of dreams and plans in air is over now. You would feel the need to act with sensibility and if your life is in mess right now, then you can feel the panic. There could be pressure from various means to organize yourself. Issues with health are also possible, which often comes in this period. Old and neglected health problems can now become bigger and will cry for your immediate attention. Its highly advisable not to postpone them, rather you should take your health on top most priority now and should build a very disciplined diet and routine for yourself. Secondly your mind can get little blurred now and you might find it difficult to draw a line between what is necessary and what is not. Your travels can increase now out of sudden with many planned and unplanned trips coming up. Apart from travel for specific purpose, owing to blurredness in thoughts and lack of discipline (if not rectified),your aimless and fruitless wanderings can increase so it would be a better idea to have a precise plan with you to avoid disappointments later on.

Financially it’s the time to bring back your best skills at play. Investment should now be done with extreme caution and you should not lend your money to someone now as your money can get stuck easily giving you tensed moments. Spend wisely and lay all your attention on savings. In context of your relationships, there is nothing much to look for, rather things can crumble here. You can get isolated, either owing to your work life, intensive travels or simply owing to people leaving you. Reasons can be logical or not, but essence here is that Saturn generally brings intense isolation so that you can solely use your whole of energies for yourself. Marriage, love life and generic public life can become challenging for you and 2017-2018 can be very dry. Do not create difficulties for yourself and be as straightforward and simplifying as it can get in your behavior

Deeper aspects of this transit should be understood. Saturn wants to bring your attention on your weak areas now and you need to work extremely hard to achieve and sustain success. If you find obstacles in your path, in any area, then do not get disheartened rather find what lessons are there to be learnt. Saturn is no nonsense planet and it always wants to convey something of great value and its ways can get rough but its message is always of long term relevance. Delays can be there and through such impediments Saturn wants to restructure your life so that unwanted attachments, qualities and habits can leave and you can get aligned better for an optimized life. There are occasions in life where casual approach works fine and nobody seems to complain but this transit is not one of them, your every action will be deeply scrutinized now and it’s time to stand firm and display true strength of your character to others and more importantly, to yourself.

Talking about difficult or ‘bad’ aspects only won’t give correct message here. We should rather discuss what actually Saturn is trying to convey silently to you people. It’s the time when Master Saturn wants to see higher qualities taking birth in you. Patience is foremost, which He loves. Sensitivity to pain of others is something you should never miss. Saturn hates shortcuts, specially which involve dishonesty, laziness and irregularity in thoughts. This is the time when you should actually bring strict discipline in your life and quickly admit your mistakes and move ahead. Make a plan of your day, write down your goals, stay active ,believe in structured thinking and see how Saturn will be pleased. Welcome to the grand era of Self transformation, times which will remold you for the best for the rest of your life.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are majorly applicable from Moon sign.
2. As Saturn remains in one sign for 2.5-3 years, these analysis articles have long term applicability. To be particular, they discuss potential and possibilities for next three years (2017 -2019)
3. Saturn transit is most intensive phenomena and impact life of individual in fundamental ways, still individual dasa pattern stands first and these transit articles are second to impact (except the ones under impact of Sadesaati, where dasa gets suppressed majorly).

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     Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces 

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