
Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Aquarius sign

For truly appreciating the freedom of light, one must experience the limitations of the dark. You already had your lot of limitations and now is the time to move in the domain of light. Saturn for you people move into immensely powerful and blessing position. Saturn is infamous for being great malefic, for giving pain and harsh times, but there are times when Saturn blesses too, and when this Mighty force blesses, expect the experience of real freedom, joy and sky are literally not the limits to describe it. Aquarians have reached that stage where they are ready to receive blessings from Saturn. It’s actually the best one can ask from Saturn and best what it can grant with its all might. It’s time to sing in joy, dance in freedom and move ahead in life like never before. Saturn’s blessings are rarest of rare and its now all open for you. Impact areas are many and contrary to image of Saturn, all manifestations are majorly positive for you people. Let’s explore.

Most amazing change will be seen in your work life. This Saturn transit brings in opportunity for you to take your career to level next. It’s time for major shifts, major jumps and revamping your work life altogether, for the very best. It’s time for rapid growth and promotion, assumption of bigger and brighter role is now seen. Your authority at workplace will increase and you will receive respect and your opinion will now be counted as very crucial. Your career is now ready to shine and you could literally outshine the best ones and be the winner in all areas. Your working capacity increases and you would be able to work long hours without any complain, in fact you would love it. Your productivity also increases and you are sure to capture the attention of many around you. Coming to the timelines, time post September 2017 will become conducive for growth. Time till then is stagnating and you can keep hopes high and prepare yourself in disciplined manner.2018 seems quite healthy year where all round growth is seen in your career.2019 will need much more effort to sustain what you achieve till then. For the ones in business, or working independently, it’s time to enter into new lines, expand your work and horizons leaving behind all of your inhibitions. Take initiatives, be open to new avenues and march ahead in entirely new domains.

Financially this is starting of most brilliant phase in your life. You will see good flow of money, your old stuck money coming back, new sources of earning opening up and at your workplace you can positively expect a good hike too .Business profits will zoom ahead and your self-confidence will go hand in hand with it. Your savings increases exponentially and situations around you will get very favorable for investments and returns would be very handsome too. Your financial rise starts from October 2017 onwards in gradual manner and 2018-2019 are very good years for you. Money wise you cannot ask for anything better and this transit is one of the best to accelerate financial growth beyond your limited imagination.

Coming to your relationships, Saturn transit in Sagittarius for you Aquarius people does end many limitations. Taking about the essence, Saturn here will allow you to redefine relationships as a whole for you. Apart from ground realities, the real change will come in the way you perceive relations, in the importance and place of people in your life. Time from September 2017 to October 2018 will remain extremely good for development of long term relations. Falling in love, getting married and sincere bonds are seen to develop during this tenure. This is also best phase for extending your family. When it comes to Saturn, you cannot classify things into white and black, so this transit also means that you will end many of your old bonds and leave behind rotten relationships, or take a bold stand which can involve complications and social pressure as well. You will also undergo fundamental change in the way you think about yourself and without sounding too rhetoric, it can be said that next three years will create circumstances, within and around so that you redefine life as a whole for yourself. Saturn lifts pressure, limitations and illusions from your life which would allow you to make genuine progress in all aspects.

This transit is best for pursuit of education and you can get into formal learning, add many new skills and enhance your worth, though all will need much patience and hard work. Spiritual aspects will fluctuate initially, especially till October 2017 but 2018 holds brilliance for Spiritual aspirants and deep experiences and steadiness in your practices is seen. You will develop stable approach, stand real time chance to meet your Guru and take a giant leap in inner world parallelly, though how much time you actually devote to your spiritual urges remains a challenging area. It’s important to touch essence here, whatever lies on periphery, whatever concerns with your material life will change easily but whatever is qualitative will need constant effort and display of discipline, but growth is assured, perhaps like never before.

In your glory, do not allow your ego to swell. Do not accumulate negative Karmas. Your time is amazing and next three years are very liberating, but make sure you do not loose sensitivity towards lesser privileged and continue to remain humble and practice highest level of ethics despite soaring high. Stay grounded, enjoy your peak of success but retain your golden heart. Welcome to the times of rise, joy and happiness. Welcome the new life, the new you.

Heart of the matter:
1.These articles are majorly applicable from Moon sign.
2. As Saturn remains in one sign for 2.5-3 years, these analysis articles have long term applicability. To be particular, they discuss potential and possibilities for next three years (2017 -2019)
3. Saturn transit is most intensive phenomena and impact life of individual in fundamental ways, still individual dasa pattern stands first and these transit articles are second to impact (except the ones under impact of Sadesaati, where dasa gets suppressed majorly).

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     Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces 
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