
Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Gemini sign

Saturn transit to Sagittarius means its movement into seventh house from your sign. This transit symbolizes time to introspect and bring fundamental changes in many spheres of your life. Some changes are swift to occur while others can be forced, rather, your attention would be forced towards some neglected aspects. This transit is known to suppress life force and bring restrictions which make it look deadly, though real essence of this transit is that it actually makes one become practical and this is the time to accept realities, work on the ground level and restructure your life with respect to what you have and what you want in future. To gain more clarity, let us move ahead to discussion of its impact on different areas of your life.

It doesn’t imply bad times for your career, but yes this transit is here to make you more real and become more accommodating with your work life. Changes are possible as well, particularly in later part of transit, after October 2018.Though the main essence is slow down. Saturn wants you to attain perfection with repeated efforts. Your weakness will come to surface, relationship at work, your working method all can come to focus and you can be asked to upgrade yourself. Dasa or transit of Saturn works best when you cooperate freely rather than developing escapists tendencies via some magical remedies. Here Saturn would work in most optimal manner when you really evaluate your approach, current limitations, you identify how and where you can improve and implement what is ought to be done. Time from Nov 2017 to Oct 2018 is still encouraging and can bring positives changes in work life, expansion of business, more contacts and much more work but this all can have some condition and/or its own price. This transit means growth won’t be possible now without moving to level next, without working on yourself. April-Aug 2018 and 2019 will need cautious approach and this phase can bring real complex scenarios in work, health of close ones, relationship and in your health as well. Later part of transit post Nov 2018, i.e in 2019 can become stiff and you will be required to put immense efforts for sustaining work life.

Financially things seem just fine and Saturn won’t disturb you much here. All you need is to put much more effort and develop sincerity in how you handle finances. If you are really desirous then this transit can make you disciplined and very thorough in money handling. Its time you realize importance of each penny. Gains from lands and properties are possible in 2018, given your individual charts are also having such inclination. Time is good for foreign travels, for making a move to new place and starting afresh. Though it should be kept in mind that things will take time for you to settle down if you are making such a move. Its good time for higher education and those looking to move to foreign lands would find this transit very uplifting. Upgradation in your skills is strongly seen now. Health of your parents, elders in family and infants too will need attention and this becomes prominent in 2019 specially. Your own health will need care. Going by the essence of this transit, its time to identify areas where your health needs attention and actually work on it. Its time you notice what changes you need in your routine, in your way of living for better health. Continuing old ways, habits, won’t be spared now. Either you cooperate with the process else it would be imposed on you.

Coming to the most crucial aspect of this transit, Saturn moving to seventh house from Moon must bring attention to your relationships. Now it’s not just about marriage and love life, Saturn’s impact and implication is wide, very wide, it covers all forms of relations, including with self as well. This transit needs you to reevaluate your approach with respect to family members, your teammates and anyone who holds importance in your life. Circumstances would be generated which can activate argument, conflict, bringing the differences. Though it’s important to remember that your focus should be on how you can make such differences to fall in tolerable limits. It’s also the time when you need to work on yourself as self-esteem and how you seen yourself needs to be taken up in sincere way. Year 2018 is good for falling in love, for long term relationship to develop but this all needs a committed approach. Many of you can experience turbulence in your love/married life and if individual charts are weak with respect to personal relationships, then this transit can get very sensitive.

This transit is catalyst in real sense and Saturn will highlight what’s being suppressed or lies in essence of your marriage. If you are looking to move ahead, this transit will help you, if you want to bridge the differences, intense and patient efforts would be required but results would show up as well. For the ones looking for marriage, time is good for it. April-Aug 2018 and especially same months in 2019 can be extremely volatile and you need to be deeply assured before taking some major step in your married/love life. Remember that this transit is not flowery and is not here to build dreams for you. This transit has extremely deep implications, it’s here to open your eyes, make you accept realities and do something which has much more sensible relevance in long term.

In esoteric sense, this transit can push you deep into layers of materiality, into world of contrast where you will experience many things and events which are necessary for you at this moment in your own evolutionary process. Saturn works in silent mode and hidden ways and its impact is long term, almost infinite. Saturn will open up new ventures for you to feel the world in its full form, and hence you are bound to experience pain and pleasure both. It’s a transit when desire to know and learn diminish and desire to achieve, expand and experience(after realizing limitations and ground realities) becomes strong and necessary as well to move ahead in life. It’s time to become a part of this world once again in visible form and leave behind your old beliefs and way of living. Saturn is here to give new dimensions to your life, embrace the change with open arms.

Heart of the matter:
1.These articles are majorly applicable from Moon sign.
2. As Saturn remains in one sign for 2.5-3 years, these analysis articles have long term applicability. To be particular, they discuss potential and possibilities for next three years (2017 -2019)
3. Saturn transit is most intensive phenomena and impact life of individual in fundamental ways, still individual dasa pattern stands first and these transit articles are second to impact (except the ones under impact of Sadesaati, where dasa gets suppressed majorly).

For Other Moon Signs , Please Click :

Aries | Taurus Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
     Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces 

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