
Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Taurus sign

Saturn transit into Sagittarius for Taurus Moon sign people is challenging one, but also full of immense possibilities and this transit will invoke many unconscious traits, events, samskaars, to become visible and without a doubt such transit bring deepest level of changes in life. These are the times when one’s deeply buried Karma is brought to surface. Saturn passing through your 8th house signifies a period which might test you to the core on various fronts. This phase of Dhaiyaa for you, though creates fear instantly, but understating the core essence is extremely important. Saturn doesn’t not destroy or create endless difficulties here, it just reminds you by taking small tests. It really depends on how well you are implementing the lessons imparted by Saturn in the past. So this phase of Dhaiyaa cannot be same on everyone, it really depends at which level your consciousness is operating and how flexible and receptive you are to acknowledge and implement the forgotten lessons.

Career is impacted majorly by this transit, though not all is bad here. Saturn for you can bring intense stagnation first but will also open up new opportunities after taking test. There can be much delay in finding new job and most troubling aspect is getting opportunities which really doesn’t justify your talents. It also means immense workload, long working hours, additional responsibilities without equal compensation. Your efforts can be neglected, your dignity can be compromised and you can feel unwanted and unjust. Year 2018 does have some good chances till March 2018 for getting into new place, but you might need to compromise somewhere. Phase of April to August in 2018 and 2019 both seems messy and you can experience sudden job changes, loss, travels, relocations, something which can throw you out of your comfort zone without any prior notice. Though, your struggle and patience will not go in vain. Time from Nov 2018 onwards will stabilize and better work environment, expansion, growth pattern would be back. Though the essence would remain intact, your working methods, talents, level of patience and ethics all would be tested continuously. You can feel as if you need to prove something and any amount of effort is not just enough. This transit doesn’t favor free business expansion and you if really want it, there would be conditions attached to your growth. Its time to preserve what you have and Saturn wants you to hone your skills, develop patience and stick to ethical mode. In the process, this transit would make you realize about your deepest fears, skills and far sightedness. Needless to say, this is phase for churning in work life.

Your financial matters will require utmost attention and disciple in money matters should be cultivated now. The dissatisfaction in career related matters can force you to change your present job with some form of frustration surrounding your efforts, or the extra amount of hard work you have been spending at your workplace will manifest itself in the form of some elevation/recognition along with slight rise in financial state. You should ideally not do some big experiments like that of huge investment, investments in new areas or those which have high risk element. Financially, time till Oct 2018 remains slow to move and things would pick up pace thereafter. Though there is great possibility of getting amount in legacy or returns of past investments in later part of transit. Gain from lands and properties are also possible and all these gains are majorly seen in 2019.

Impact of this transit on your health, both at the level of emotion and body needs discussion.
Saturn here in eighth house can dig deep and bring fore your old and neglected areas. Your weaknesses will come to surface, and now you won’t be able to postpone your health issues further. Those with history of some health issue or have hereditary health issue should take the charge fully and get proactive in taking care of themselves and even people close to them in their family. Some of the old health issues can make strong comeback and further procrastination is not possible. Take medication, change your routine and do whatever is required to detox yourself. It’s not possible to carry on with same set of emotions and habits. Health of your parents, specially father, can become weak in this phase. In your family front, you can see some conflicts taking sharp turns. Old/new maters including property ones can get intense and easy resolution is difficult. As far as possible try to resolve things amicably and stay away from legal platform. Many of you can leave your current place and shift to new home and even new city/country as well if your individual chart reflects it as well.

Relationships, in general, can also get impacted very intensely. It actually depends on what stage you are though. Still, this transit can bring lack of support at work place and also many of your own people can turn hostile. In deeper sense, this transit will filter out people from your life. Masks will fall down and you will be able to see true face of people and this process can leave big scars and can come with huge element of surprise as well as your age-old beliefs and trust factor can shatter. If your induvial charts also hint, then this transit, particularly in 2018, can post serious threat to your love/married life and in essence its time for restructuring of long term relevance. Saturn is not interested in inflicting pain without reason, so if you are feeling unsettled and environment around you is not conducive, then its signal that cleansing needs to be done. This deep level cleansing applies to every aspect of your relationship, so be it love life, your friend circle, relations with family and at work, all would come under scanner.

The Esoteric and deeper implication of this transit should be studied properly as these are one of the most crucial times in life where most of the aspects of life get remolded .Saturn in your house of mystery, generally digs deep in the storehouse of fate and bring to the fore all the aspects which need a fresh start ,issues which need to be resolved ,matters which need to be given priority .So  for example, couple living peacefully till now might witness trouble in their married or love life ,whose deeper aspects when explored will surely show some sort of unsorted matter lying dormant in subconscious of either of the individual, crying for attention. These times will bring stunning opportunities for Spiritual growth, and aspirant can expect almost miraculous experiences, flashes of deep significance, intuition and other mystical phenomena happening at great pace in inner world. Time for growth of immense maturity are here. Saturn during this transit will throw a challenge towards you, it’s time for you to stand up, face the result of choices you have made earlier and gain invaluable experience from events in both inner and outer world. Pain would be momentary, but transformation would stay with you.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are majorly applicable from Moon sign.
2. As Saturn remains in one sign for 2.5-3 years, these analysis articles have long term applicability. To be particular, they discuss potential and possibilities for next three years (2017 -2019)
3. Saturn transit is most intensive phenomena and impact life of individual in fundamental ways, still individual dasa pattern stands first and these transit articles are second to impact (except the ones under impact of Sadesaati, where dasa gets suppressed majorly).

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