
Year 2018 : Impact on Cancer sign

The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse said author Helen Keller. This year you will experience highs, beautiful views and peaks though in parallel will go realization of valleys. Cancer people will experience extremely fine balance of challenges and possibilities walking hand in hand, though the possibility and growth will ultimately outshine the constraints. This year stands for realization of where you lack, what is needed to reach to place of your aspiration and the process will be slow in beginning and will pick up pace gradually. In broader sense, this year sets in very big process of exploring new possibilities and marks fundamental shifts in core areas of life. Let us dive deep into patterns in this year and their impact on various accepts of life of Cancer people.

Big churning process will set in this year when it comes to your career. Its phase of fundamental shifts in work life. Changing jobs, getting big promotion, changing work field itself and starting your own venture, all possibilities will gradually open up. In very broader sense next two years has this whole process aligned and this year stands for getting started, preparing yourself, laying plan and doing your home work very well. Its time you think big and engage in necessary skill upgradation, people network and whatever is needed to achieve it. Change of job is possible though extremely important to remember is process can be messy. There are dips, stagnation and even extreme frustrations in getting to the point where you want to be. Phase till August end is challenging and shows tensions, stagnation, conflicts and work pressure building up which can accompany desire to move on. Else, this phase can simply mean immense internal struggle and dissatisfaction with what you are doing and where you are. Extremely important to mention at this point is fact that such feeling will come from belief that you deserve more and can reach to better place.

First two months are good and then time from September onwards is best for taking your career to new heights. The period in between of March to August has most of down and you can even feel sense of insecurity in work life and threats as well. New business deals should be done carefully and same applies to getting started with your own work. Best is to do logical and strong research before you make a move and align your important investments, decision post August. Financially this is a good year for you with many gains. Good year to invest in properties, lands and make some long-term investments. Time in particular between August to October is best for such gains. You will continue to get good inflow of wealth, and like pattern discussed, it will get better as you move post second half of this year. If eligible, getting inherited money, property, big amounts coming from family or from past investments is possible as well. Though this doesn’t mean you can get casual, phase of April to July end can cause losses and shows lows in financial state, so maintain discipline.

In context of relationships the first half can be low and even disturbing and can cause some disappointing events. Disruptive patterns are high in this part and there can be some differences coming up. You need to have immense patience as sensitive month of April to August can cause strong augments ,differences and relationship can get disturbed badly. Patience and giving more space to each other is important. This also applies to your generic public life interactions as well. As you move into second half things become better and for new relationship, love life situations will be conducive for better equation with partner. This year is more inclined towards formation of new bonds, blossoming of love life and marriage is mildly favorable only and will certainly need support from individual time pattern. Planning family will be totally favorable in later part of this year, from October onwards.

Learning and attention on self, qualitative part, seems in scanty and will grow very slowly. The major part of this year will go in your career, family and health related matters so gaining education, upgrading yourself seems less feasible option, or in more precise terms, you will find it difficult to focus in studies and learning process. Time from October onwards this year will become completely aligned for such processes. Coming to sensitive areas this year, your health can give some signals needing attention. Some old and new health issues seem to come in this year and particular aligned in phase of May to August. This year needs you to adopt much more disciplined life and this will not remain an option now, i.e if you are not willing to do it intentionally, such changes can be forced and can come as burden, so focusing on health is necessity this year. Also, to mention, your social life seems very turbulent in first half of this year and you equation with some friends, people at work can get disturbed. You need to adopt very careful approach in your social interactions as you can be easily misunderstood and even taken granted for.

Spiritually this year is slow and again worth repeating, your energies and intent can remain on gross areas of your life hence getting into bigger questions, qualitative aspects of life seems less possible for you. Though this process will gradually pick up pace and once you reach October time frame, your inclination will grow and from there onwards Spiritual journey will start nicely, till then core mundane concerns will occupy your mind. Cancer people will witness changes in work, health in slow form but needing long term change of approach, this year will lay foundation for some fundamental, big shifts in your life and needless to say initially process can seem alien and uncomforting as well, but it’s all part of bigger picture. Hold on, garner this belief that efforts of today will accumulate and will work out in your favor. Good year for moving to level next in your lives.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.
2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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  • New Year 2018
                Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 

                         Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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