
Year 2018 : Impact on Leo sign

Leo people enter in new year with continuous expansion of their energies and desires. This year brings diversification of your energies, focus and is sure to take you places. Leo people had seen much stagnation and have experienced many constraints earlier, which has created a framework for them, this year is opportunity to give definite shape to your dreams. Limitations ends, or rather to say more precisely, you now have clear idea about constraints and practicality of life which would enable you to work with very comprehensive manner towards your goals. Leo people will witness beautiful expansion of their spirits and indeed it’s time to visualize, create and work in parallel on ground. Getting on to essence, this year symbolizes end of suffocation and you would be free to work directly on life that you aspire to live. Let’s move to details of what this rhetoric actually means.

Work life does seem to grow well and efforts of past will yield good results. New jobs, changes and rise all are possible this year. Though the real highlight will be growing consciousness and varied range of experiences that will make your career move forward with richness. Relocations, many travels, moving to new places for better work opportunities are seen. Changes in work can accompany change of place as well and with far greater serious roles. For business persons this is a great year with rapid gains, expansion and movement into new areas. New associations will be generated and its good to consider new business proposals from close friends and family members. In terms of timelines, time between April to August seems low and any decisions should be taken with extreme caution and career setbacks are very much possible. Initial three months and then time from September onwards is best for experiencing goodness in work life and pattern of expansion.

Financially this is a better year as well. You will see rise in salary, gains from business as quite impressive. Your expenses and wastages become aligned leading to better financial prospects. Specially for the ones in creative fields related to education, arts, music and similar areas also ones in independent mode of working, will see rapid rise. It is absolutely possible for many new avenues of earning to open up, just remain open and receptive for new avenues and you need to develop a yes attitude. Gains from properties are also seen, particularly post September in this year. Those looking for selling their property, renovating can surely pursue it. For the ones pondering over starting new ventures, area of e-commerce, media, consultancy, education and finance related domains would bring early setup as this year primarily signifies connection, connection within and around which means greater networking, better trade and connected gains will come very swiftly. In terms of timelines, March and then July-August are weak phases where you can see dips and losses, so need to remain disciplined in financial matters.

Coming to the main focus of this year, your relationships are going to blossom beautifully, and this year will infuse great energy in your social and personal relations. You will make many new friends, and many old ones will also get connected in far visible ways. Your family members visit you, frequency of get togethers increases be it your family or friend circle and you are seen occupied in exchanging your energy with people you love .Indeed this is the year to ignite that passion back and establish worthy connection which will directly lead to feeling of being supported and secured deeply. Such patterns directly means your love life is here to blossom to fullest .Year 2018 for Leo people is best for new love relations, for taking ahead your current status and marriage is strongly seen .Phase of isolation ends for you and this year needs you to break the false restrictions created by ego to feel separate ,you are part of all and all is within you ,you will realize this as you move deeper into this year .As inherent part, this also means some setbacks as churning will happen in personal and family, social relations. Specially during the phase of April to August you can get some deceits from loved ones, you will see ugly face of people close to you which will act as eye opener to you. Let go of rotten relations which aren’t serving anything and are hurting you. Restructuring is inherent part of this year which needs to be allowed whole-heartedly for new to blossom. Allow yourself to be healed by letting go.

Equally strong is potential to learn and expand your conscious levels. This is brilliant year to pursue education in all forms ,be it formal or self. Good time for enrolling into higher education, getting more aligned in current schedule and perform much more steadily. Worth repeating, for the ones in creative areas, can expect great rise and fruitful conversion of their inner urge. Moving to foreign lands for education or even work is possible, particularly in first half of year. Your health does make good improvement and old health issues will settle fast. June to August end are weak months for your health and you need to stay aware of past impressions, imaginary fears and need to have future oriented attitude rather than mourning the past. This year will teach you importance of right diet and schedule as well.

One of the best potential of this year is reserved for genuine spiritual aspirants and for the ones who are really looking to understand subtle aspects of life. All sorts of learnings are possible be it initiation, learning mantras, occult, yoga, philosophy, or any other subject which gives you answer, makes you aligned and much wiser. This year is best for taking long term courses, traveling to places of spiritual significance and getting much more firm in your current practices. Depending on your personal time period patterns, many of you can even meet Guru and can be initiated into Higher path. Year 2018 stands for expansion and you will experience world in its might and the beauty is that your Spiritual journey will remain alive as well. Brilliant time for Leo people, go, experience the life in its most vivid forms.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.
2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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  • New Year 2018
                Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 

                         Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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