
Year 2018 : Impact on Sagittarius sign

This year for Sagittarius people have mixed nature. You are now into peak phase of your Sadesaati though this year blessings of transiting Jupiter and Mars will save you majorly. Year 2018 for you signifies major gains from past efforts and blessings though new tasks, challenges and slowdown is also integral part. Such patterns walk in parallel this year. Its very intriguing year and its almost impossible to label it with one thing or type as varied sorts of experiences and events will come together, still touching the essence is necessary to set the tone. Its time when you would still see good gains, growth and financial rise but in parallel Saturn will prepare you for rigorous test and gradual slowdown and stern test in career, relationships and finances as well will appear. Irrespective of grace from Jupiter, this is the year from where your transformation process will pick up immense pace. Let us now discuss the specifics as to how this year will impact Sagittarius people in different aspects of life.

Slowdown and stagnation can appear in context of your work. Though this year does promises job change, but circumstances might not be pleasant. Pressure is seen, and job security is also less this year. Still owing to grace from Jupiter, time from May onwards is good for changes in job which can also accompany decent rise in financial aspects. Still it isn’t easy year for switching jobs, for moving to desired position and growth can certainly be conditional, i.e you can be asked to take up many new possibilities which can seem easy in beginning but your workload and expectations from you can rise steep high as year progresses. Phase of March to June end is weakest and can result in loss of job, unexpected changes and can throw you out of your comfort zone. Equation at work, with seniors, management, all seem very vulnerable area and some conflicts leading to adverse impact on work are possible. Going for new venture, self-work might seem good option, especially with friends, close relatives, but should be taken up cautiously and should be well planned. Business gains, slow expansion is also seen though with much more hard work than usual. As you move into this year time post September will start to get slow and any major initiatives then should ideally be avoided or taken with thorough homework.

Financially, this is decent year and you continue to derive good gains. Better salary, decent rise, gains from business are possible and such good patterns are especially active between May to September. As year will get dull as you proceed, its important to save well, take big decisions related to investments and work till September as time post October seems diffusive and low for savings and financial. Support from family, past investments and friends is sure to come so you can count on them. As far as possible do not invest big time and avoid taking undue risks. Its very important to remember that financial gains as promised in initial part of year can bring additional clauses and new challenges with them, i.e do not take your gains for granted, they can involve some hidden cost/tasks which will unfold in later part of year. Gains from properties are also indicated, though mildly. Best what you can do is to save as much as you can and don’t get tempted for big investments, risky steps which seems lucrative on surface. Phase of April to June needs most care and then later part of year from October onwards.

Despite the restrictive patterns of Saturn, this year has high potential to blossom your social life and same is applicable to your personal relationships as well. Very good year to get married, take your relationship to level next. Though point to note here is only sincere approach will be rewarded. Good support friends, family will flow in and even you can get some business opportunity with them which you should definitely consider. For marriage and even for planning family ahead, time in this year remains very fertile till September end. Though impact of Sadesaati also means end of some close relations, issues in love life, conflicts with friends and specially at work which can cause permanent damage to some close relations whose impact will get bigger/realized as you move towards later months. So when it comes to your personal and public relations, don’t take existing ones for granted, try hard not to lose people on silly points and don’t be too eager to make new ones without taking your time.

Health prospects look decent this year and you do have protection at least till September end. Months of April to June end are weak. March-April is time when taking undue risk, adventurous activities, any bold steps in career, excesses in food, habits, in any indulgences will react quickly. Time from October onwards will get mild and your vitality will go down and old health issues can make a comeback. Despite majorly good pattern, suppression remains high whole year which means you can feel dull having low energy and less motivated. This is good year when it comes to higher learning, for students and for people in creative work fields. You will surely get better ideas, new visions and inspiration, though acting timely is what would be challenging. Learning new skills, excelling in studies, getting much more people support through expansion of people network are pure positives in this year. Relocation, long term travels are weakly supported and only gather momentum in later part of year after September.

Lessons in this year, or to say your Spiritual journey is wide open. You can literally learn every day. Delays in work, last minute hassles in your plans, betrayals from close ones and seeing the hidden faces of people will constantly bring wisdom to you. Direct learning, interest in mantra, yoga, meditation or whatever area appeals to you is also very much open this year and will gain momentum as you proceed. In fact the wisdom content of this year is so high that it would take many coming years to actually assimilate what you will see in this year itself. This is indeed an intriguing year for you where despite possibilities for growth and financial gains you remain extremely prone for lows, setbacks and disappointments. What you need to do is to work cautiously and when faced with dejections, let it go as soon as you can as you really can’t hold on. Don’t be too causal and relaxed when days are good as Saturn’s test has reached its peak and jolts in marriage, relationships, career in special can be experienced and you should be ready to move on. Accept mistakes fast, don’t rely on anyone too much and deep inside realize that things don’t remain same forever. Enjoy the blessings of this year, but do not take anything, anyone for granted. Look above, but never allow your feet to leave the ground.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.
2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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  • New Year 2018
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