
Year 2018 : Impact on Capricorn sign

Certain times come to bring bigger changes, for some motives which can feel too alienated with one’s personal goals. This year for Capricorn has nature beyond normal comprehension. You enter in 2018 with your Sadesaati on, i.e the test of Saturn has started for you and Jupiter too in transit is in your career sector which indicates times for huge churning in work and family life. This year stands for big level restructuring in all spheres of life and its time for things to get slow and test your patience. Without further delay, let us move to discussion of how this year will impact your lives in specific ways.

Career life is seen to get impacted in most fundamental ways. You can face stagnation or at least this year can start the process for it. You can feel unworthy, your work pressure can rise and appreciation, satisfaction level in your current work can decline as you move down in this year. Changes in work aren’t smooth and can be forced, sudden and come as surprise or can demand huge preparations and even can be conditional. What you expect in your career graph won’t come immediately and this year should be taken as merely a step. Career changes are seen but not up to your mark and you might need to take up additional responsibilities which can also accompany relocation or moving into different area of work which can make you feel uneasy initially. Better time is seen post September this year and time particularly between April to August is weakest and can have career swings, dips and expectations from you can rise sky high. This year is also low when it comes to job security, happiness in your work. In deeper sense you need to look at broader angle, do some skill upgradation, take up more responsibility to learn, to grow and not with sole expectation of earning alone. Business expansion is low and moving into new lines should be done only when it’s totally necessary. Expect less, give more and look for preserving your reputation. More swift and flexible you are in your approach, lesser would be resistance this year for you in your work.

Financially this is just fine year, though avenues to grow, some major gains or rise won’t come easily and only lies from October onwards. Till September this year remains pretty dry and will need best of your patience, skills in savings, money handling. Some major expenses towards family, parents, your basic bills, health and family duties can keep you thoroughly engaged and in calculative mode. Its not advisable to take loans, do big investments or buy on things which you don’t need immediately. Though some gains from lands and properties are possible and you can even invest in long term plans. Essence, both in career and finances is to look for long term gains without making a fuss about immediate pains, adjustments and sacrifices related to them. Phase of April to June end is weakest and can have intense expenses, loses and randomness in your financial state unless you are aware and take responsibility in proactive manner to take control of things. Save more, spend less and take calls which help you gain in long term. Later part of year do have some rise ,gains and pattern of freedom setting in.

Your health as well needs attention. For the ones who have some medical history, issues can make a return. If your individual charts have some weak areas, be it career, finance, health or relationship, the basic essence of this year is to bring that weak area to surface and force your attention in that area which is lacking till now. Some health issues are very much possible particularly from March onwards and time this year remains volatile till August end. Eyes, ears, sugar related issues and as stated above, areas where your individual chart lacks, will take bigger form now. What you need to do is to give healthy attention to the whatever uneasiness you are facing, either physically or emotionally. Start your healing process as soon as you can, don’t delay, neglect or deny the problems now. Accept them and move towards rectifying your habits, way of life, diet as quickly as you can. Health is seen to make slow but steady progress post September onwards.

Similar to patterns elsewhere, your relationships can also face some tests, though this area has relatively better scope to bounce back and mend things. Saturn is now in position to teach you what’s real and what’s needed to be left behind. Many of your friends, family bonds can go sour and owing to practical circumstances, like relocations, moving to new job, place etc your old associations can end. More important is trend of people leaving for trivial reasons, you are getting into blame game and pity matters which can seem too kiddish on surface and unless you understand the deer implication you can feel bewildered, in essence this year will take away people, relations, bonds and emotions which aren’t meant for you. Saturn in Sadesaati generally isolate a person so that one can work on core areas, his own self and this process strictly cannot have any external distractions. Personal life relationships are seen to be dull, full of ups-down and you should focus on surviving your core relations. Marriage, love life, forming of new relations, friendship isn’t favorable this year, focus on what you have. If you manage to take your current family, friends and associations all alive through this year, that in itself would be your grand success. Time post September will start to ease in this area as well.

Lessons, learning, your Spiritual journey is most important part of this year. This year is actually the starting point of your grand self-transformation process and if your inner eyes are open, lessons would be everywhere .How people change, what you need to learn/improve to grow in work,  what changes you need to bring in your financial behavior and how you need to mold yourself in pubic and personal relationships are only tip of iceberg .Delays, stagnation in your life, restructuring in social life, isolation process getting deep, all are meant for teaching you value of time, human relations, ethics and integrity. Travels, spiritual or personal ones, are seen though in scanty and your spiritual journey this year is extremely subtle and personal. Though it might sound too rhetoric, but you need to be like warrior Arjuna of Mahabharat, working for the sake of work, nonattached and begin propelled by Dharma alone.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.
2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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  • New Year 2018
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                         Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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