
Year 2018 : Impact on Pisces sign

Some years come for intense cleansing, for testing and for taking you to level next of life without your consent and without your planning, this is such year for Pisces people. Year 2018 for Pisces isn’t rosy and stands for stern tests, intense restructuring and challenges. This year two mighty planets, Saturn and Jupiter in transit are in quite stagnating position which symbolizes a huge pressure developing and events occurring beyond your reach. Though until we discuss patterns in depth, catching the real essence isn’t really possible merely on surface. For Pisces people this is one of the most defining year but not in the sense they want. Things will change but Higher law will pervade and events occurring this year can make you feel like helpless and in higher sense this is the time to realize that sometimes cosmic wish must find its way in our life irrespective of how rigid and unprepared we are. There are many positive aspects still and let’s move to discussion of impact in various aspects of your life.

Year 2018 : Impact on Aquarius sign

Aquarians, gear up to one of the finest year of your life. Year 2018 has brilliant alignment of planets for you which makes it one of the most memorable year. This year brings great pace in your life and Saturn in transit is in mighty position to bless you. You will see positive expansion all around and it won’t be wrong to say that your life will take new turn from here onwards. This is the year to take new decisions, take your career to new heights, plan long term, make new goals, get into new lines, explore, experiment and create life of your desire. Jupiter in transit also blesses you completely which makes this year as exceptional for you. The expansive patterns are seen in all aspects of your life. Let us move to discussion of how this year will shape up specific areas of your life.

Year 2018 : Impact on Capricorn sign

Certain times come to bring bigger changes, for some motives which can feel too alienated with one’s personal goals. This year for Capricorn has nature beyond normal comprehension. You enter in 2018 with your Sadesaati on, i.e the test of Saturn has started for you and Jupiter too in transit is in your career sector which indicates times for huge churning in work and family life. This year stands for big level restructuring in all spheres of life and its time for things to get slow and test your patience. Without further delay, let us move to discussion of how this year will impact your lives in specific ways.