
Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Cancer sign

Overview of transit
  • For Cancer sign, Saturn will move in seventh house. This will bring focus on learning from external events, people, relations, work life and your own tendencies. This would be phase for work life changes ,rise, improvements ,formation-end of relations and intense personal level changes happening due to learnings, realizations about people, relations, truth about life ,professional world and your reaction-attitude about all these will bring subtle ,continuous formation of beliefs.
  • Saturn will aspect ninth, first and fourth house. It means focus on professional relations, role of seniors at work, elders in family getting louder. It means need to face your own shadow, your illusions and conditioning. Thirdly focus will come on some close family members/associations, affairs of home and need to reform your ideas about family and your role in it.

Impact on gross level
  • Career rise, job changes and business expansion will come steadily in this phase. Though you will also realize many shortcomings, loopholes and weakness in your career graph in this transit phase.
  • For those looking, marriage and long-term commitments are certain.
  • If its destined (seen in individual chart) then marriage can go through turmoil. Some of your social-public life relations too will see disturbances and either you are going to outgrow people or will learn to embrace them totally as this transit phase ends.
  •  Conflicts, differences with seniors, with your elders in family can come up.
  • Your responsibilities towards family, family members and involvement in family matters will rise.
  • Health of parents will need care.
  • Gains from fixed assets, lands, properties, vehicles etc are seen but will take much time to materialize and some personal level adjustments before you receive such gains.
  • Movement to new places, enhanced travels (both personal and work related) is seen as well.

Impact on deeper level
  • You will see some of the relationships getting messed up which will create a sense of deep anguish, pain and tensions.
  • Your family can demand more time, duties, some obligations there can cause inner conflicts in you.
  •  Health of parents and some ego clashes with your family members, friends and people at work will also cause strain at times.
  • Much deeper and intense are impact felt at very personal level due to facing your own shadows, your own illusions ,breakdown of assumptions in this transit phase .When your relationship fail ,when you have to assume heavier roles in family and when people around you show you your faults, then it will lead to breaking of many older beliefs, causing phase of loss of identity which you formed earlier by opinion and behavior of others.
  • During this three-year phase, you will remain occupied in cyclic manner in acceptance-denial of many beliefs and patterns. Like for example in relationships, you can swing between need for a person, starting again and between ending things and moving on.
  • In a sense this transit phase signifies a period of identity loss, confusion, become blurred about who you are and swinging between finding settlement in self and asking for approval from others.

What needs to be done
  • Accept constant swinging of mind, blurring of personality as normal. Let repeated events and realizations form your reality and perception and not forced, imposed thoughts or resolutions.
  • Accept moving on in life, accepting greater family responsibilities and taking in consideration views and needs of others. This will mean small personal level sacrifices to accommodate happiness of loved ones.
  • Allow tensions and differences in marriage, public, social or professional relations to surface. Do not suppress unnecessarily. Let differences come out. Its mandatory now that your relations and associations will reform. Let people change, observe, analyze and adjust yourself and not impose your views or desires on others. You can only do things about yourself, behavior of others is not in your hands.
  • During this phase, you will learn-relearn about your self-image, your principles and what you stand for .You will recognize or may be for the first time will form perceptions, ideals, about what you stand for ,what you actually want and what you cannot tolerate.
  • In major way, essence of this transit for you will be realized by age old phrase: relationships are mirror of your self-image.
  • Higher remedy is to serve others, accept people, situations and in any possible way bring happiness, help, support in life of others. This can mean loving your family more, understanding elders. Help people who are going through struggle in their family, career either through your wisdom or even through your resources, money.

    Heart of the matter :
  • Saturn transit in Capricorn is from 24th January 2020 to 17th January 2023.These three years’ time is termed as transit phase in article.
  • These write ups are based on Moon signs and will have generic applicability. Precise results depend on many factors like your individual dasa, strength of sign in your chart.
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