
Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Leo sign

Overview of transit
  • For Leo sign ,Saturn will move to sixth house .This in essence means getting firm, higher growth, good health and your past learning ,efforts and associations giving in results or creating platform through which you will realize your goals in this phase.This phase stands for working and living in most optimal manner and continuously finding ways to improve and organize self even better.
  • Saturn will aspect eighth, twelfth and third house. It will mean need to live in most effective manner which can reduce wastage of wealth and time. It means saving more money and travelling for specific work, causes. It also means getting selective in your relations and outgrowing many people who cant match up to your consciousness which means phase of steady restructuring in social life as well.

Impact on gross level
  • Career growth is certain. Work expansion, movement into new lines, changing your work field, taking jump from service field to own work, all are possible in this phase.
  • Financially you will grow well though gradually and savings will rise.
  • You will develop better health through deeper realizations, facing health concerns and organization in life.
  • Many of earlier complex issues, legal matters, personal-professional fights will end.
  • You are relatively free to focus on self. This phase will allow you to grow in area of your choice and degree of freedom will be high for you.
  • Those engaged in healing, mediation, Spiritual, social causes will find many new resources, help, inspiration to make tremendous process.
  • Some friends will go away, some differences can come with family members, your own siblings and in some of your social relations.
  •  If also indicated by individual charts, then rewards at workplace, appreciation can come.
  • Greater life force, enthusiasm and dedication will develop naturally leading to continuous achievements.

Impact on deeper level
  • You will find freedom from some of earlier confusions and dualities at personal and professional level.
  • You will feel lighter, happier and there will be natural urge to create new things, meaning in life.
  • Your productivity, energy levels will rise and a sense of collectiveness will come in you which means your energies and intent will get streamlined which will make goals easier and faster to accomplish.
  • Some of your old habits, life patterns and relations can pose challenges and have to be worked upon. This can create a phase of tensions and accepting your faults can take time and ego matters can come up.
  • Getting casual, careless and wasting time, resources can come naturally for many which can become rooted if not identified.

What needs to be done
  • ·You have got very high degree of freedom from Saturn which means you can use your time, energy, money in area of your desire. Now this transit phase is open ended which means depending on your intent and tendencies, you can either built a more constructive, engaged and efficient version or you can become causal, relaxed and spend your time for fun. Thirdly there can even be possibilities that you gather arrogance, false ego and attachments, which then have to worked upon in future transits of Saturn. So make sure you are using this transit phase in productive way for freeing yourself and not for binding yourself further by letting it loose.
  • Save money and time. Value emotions of others and learn to live with difference of opinions.
  • Getting grounded is necessary. It means realizing your roots, what you stand for and not getting carried away by success or appreciation. Stay rooted.
  • Remaining humble and patient with others is absolutely necessary.
  • Help people who are stuck in life. If you have resources, time, money and wisdom, then share it. Sharing is key word for you. You need to share your gifts, your knowledge. This is not time for only accumulation but for sharing as well.
  • Higher remedy for you is to offer services for some non profit cause, where you see service in its dignified form and not merely for earning money. Serve, offer help, support to others and accept all kinds of work in their dignity. This also includes taking care of planets, animals within your reach. The idea is to totally realize that you are not the doer, but just a medium.

 Heart of the matter :
  • Saturn transit in Capricorn is from 24th January 2020 to 17th January 2023.These three years’ time is termed as transit phase in article.
  • These write ups are based on Moon signs and will have generic applicability. Precise results depend on many factors like your individual dasa, strength of sign in your chart.
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