
Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Libra sign

Overview of transit
  • For Libra sign people Saturn will move to fourth house. This does initiates Dhaiyaa phase but being in own sign its impact would be very mild and majorly good results will be seen. This means focus coming back to family, self, your immediate needs, surroundings, current scenarios and your mind will become occupied with improving your current state at home, your earnings. Family matters, health of family members, their concerns will come into focus along with financial investments and assets and aspects related to that.
  • Saturn will aspect sixth, tenth and ascendant. It means challenges in your work relations, learning to coexist with others with tolerance. Career matters will need more effort ,more dedication and new set of beliefs to make it grow .It also means having intense focus on self and matters which are close to your heart and learning to solve such issues with whatever wisdom and resources you have gained till now.

Impact on gross level
  • Gains of major form like house, vehicles, fixed assets, inherited money, wealth etc are going to come up.
  • You will see many family matters, conflicts getting settled where you are involved or where your family members were involved.
  • Better peace, stability in life and balance between work-family life will be generated.
  • Career of spouse will pick up pace. Your own career can pick up but progress can come with some conditions attached.
  • You will become stable in thought process and you earlier personal confusions and dilemmas about your social life, your personal approach will become firm.
  • Relocation, change of house and enhanced travels are going to come up. For many it can be time for reunion with family but travels, constant movement related to work aspects will continue.
  • Working hours will go up. You will see new environment, people, situations at work which will demand greater patience, hard work and new working methods and approach. Relations with teammates, people at work can create tensions.
  • Health will improve majorly.

Impact on deeper level
  • You will feel immense urge/pressure to organize your life without any further desire to look outside.
  • You will also feel immense sense of responsibility towards people who are close to you and will start to act for them even if it requires personal sacrifices.
  • Your long-term financial approach will change and this transit phase will gradually shape up your approach firm, stable and very wise.
  • You can feel troubled and out of place as often you will be required to do things which you never did, go to places which seems lonely and challenging and accept work, responsibilities which will seem heavy. Its like assuming bigger role in family and work both. This will cause personal ideological shift.
  • There will be frustration and even hate coming up with some people in your social life. This transit phase will need to you become stable in dealing with your emotions when in such state.
  • One of the most critical aspect is feeling fearful and resistant in taking up heavier roles and responsibilities. If you are not ready yet ,it can invoke feeling of escapism which will lead to many new cycles of self-create problems.
  • You can feel lonely, unsupported and all by yourself which can create sense of dejection and a deep void if your mental frame is not stable or you are still not rooted enough.

What needs to be done
  • Let go of your old image. Its time you freely take up heavier roles, assume responsibilities and smoothly move to more engaging life. Stepping up in life now becomes mandatory, so go with the flow.
  • Leave need to look elsewhere. Its time you have to become completely self-reliant which means start to take actions, decisions from your own wisdom and when you are wrong ,when you commit mistakes, take full responsibility of that as well .Main aspect now is to become accountable of what you do, what you speak.
  • Tendency to blame people, situations or trying to find escape or make excuses as to why you are not taking action or why you are stuck should be completely stopped. You need to understand that you have to become totally streamlined without any hidden, subtle desire to let it loose by looking outside or for still remaining in your comfort zone.
  • Commit to dedication and working in more steady and intense form. Let hard work become your routine without any desire to break away from it.
  • Higher remedy for you is accepting feedbacks rather than giving. Acceptance of what is, yourself is necessary. Also you need to spend time in solitude, meditate, chant mantras for developing firmness in nature and also to face void in life. Apart from usual work, if possible offer your help, services to any organization or people where you work without any motive.

          Heart of the matter:
  •  Saturn transit in Capricorn is from 24th January 2020 to 17th January 2023.These three years’ time is termed as transit phase in article.
  • These write ups are based on Moon signs and will have generic applicability. Precise results depend on many factors like your individual dasa, strength of sign in your chart.

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