
Saturn transit to Capricorn : Impact on Virgo sign

Overview of transit
  • For Virgo sign Saturn moves to fifth house. This brings focus to self, to creation of new identity, accumulating knowledge, possessions, status and relationships. This is phase of progress and you will form many new perceptions, your idea of self, about your personality. Your role in lives of others will be renewed. Its phase of rise.
  • Saturn will aspect seventh, eleventh and second house. It means there will be need to get selective in many of your relationships. Some new relationships will also be born but many more will end as well. Its also phase of slow, steady financial rise but you will have to put hard work and upgrade yourself in order to seen career-wealth growth. Focus will come on your self-worth, image, esteem and family matters as well.

Impact on Gross level
  • Career changes, rise, expansion of work will come in proportion to your effort and talents.
  • Financial growth is slow but steady and your savings will grow gradually.
  • Gains from selling your property, assets will also come and some of stuck money, gains from past investments, help from family will also bring gains.
  •  Its good phase to make long term investments and those interested should learn more about financial area. Moving into share market, stocks, trading will bring handsome gains.
  • Its very good phase for anyone who is involved in learning process. So brilliant phase for students, people who are in creative, media fields and also who are doing self-learning.
  •  Brilliant phase again for Spiritual aspirants and tremendous growth, flowering of past Saadhna and meeting Guru, initiation into higher practices and learning deeper yogic practices, scriptures will come smoothly.
  • Challenges in marriage, love life and some social relations will come. Differences and distance can grow with some loved ones.
  • Financially this can be testing time, so despite steady flow, there can be conditions of debts and financial lack, given your individual charts too indicate same.
  • Marriage, development of new relations, blossoming of love life and birth of children is also seen strongly for eligible. Its phase of extension, extension in knowledge, of self-worth, of possessions and of family as well.

Impact on Deeper level
  • You will feel urge to create, learn, produce, extend. You will not remain happy as you are. Rather this phase will make you expand, find and create more meaning in life ,do value adds and increase your material and intellectual possessions.
  • You will feel tested by people very often. This applies to almost all spheres where your relationships will ask you to reevaluate how you behave, how you see others and develop new approach and angles of looking at others.
  • Some of destined events in relationships can occur as well like breaking of close bond, problems in love life, within family, with children and with some close friends. If karma of some people is over, Saturn in fifth house will mean time to move on.
  • You will also feel concerned by behavior of close family members and some tensions can develop in your family due to some financial, property or personal matters which will need your time causing a feeling of unrest.
  • This is phase where past life karma will bring results. It means apart from material gains, appreciation ,rewards etc you can also get sudden events like gain of wealth, someone coming in life out of nowhere, meeting exciting people who can guide you and also feeling immense urge to do something, to go to some place or connect with someone. These all will have karmic plan behind it (you can sense it with intensity,such events will feel immensely intense).

What needs to be done
  • Follow your deep and strong gut feelings.
  • Learning in any form should be sincerely taken up.
  • Allow people to enter and leave both. Its phase of major and karmic restructuring. Many of old associations will end and many new will enter. Allow, just remain receptive and do not resist anyone or beg anyone as well. Let karmic cycle operate freely.
  •  Listen more, give space to others and development of patience is key word for you in this transit. Through events in your personal-social relations you will find need to develop more tolerance and give people more considerations.
  • Develop better eating habits and be more considerate when it comes to how you treat your body, when you eat, what you eat. A sense of discipline and respect for self is necessary now.
  • Higher remedy for you is to develop patience, give people love, understanding, guidance and acceptance. You need to live these values through your relationships and show them in your behavior to everyone you meet. Devoting time for reading, meditating, chanting mantras for awareness and humility will help you a lot.

    Heart of the matter :

  • Saturn transit in Capricorn is from 24th January 2020 to 17th January 2023.These three years’ time is termed as transit phase in article.
  • These write ups are based on Moon signs and will have generic applicability. Precise results depend on many factors like your individual dasa, strength of sign in your chart.
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