
Year 2020 : Impact on Leo sign

Year 2020 opens immense possibilities for Leo sign people. It’s the year of flying, rising high, dreaming again, realizing your full potential and achieving your goals without looking back. There are patterns of rapid growth, immense learning, your network growing and inner strength and optimism along with vision making a comeback. Year 2020 for Leo sign people is nothing sort of a blessing, grace descending from Gods themselves. You will experience joy, a sense of exhilaration in life. Growth and expansion patterns are present almost in all sectors of life. It’s kind of year which will take you ahead in speed, in style. Let us directly jump to details as to how and where this year is going to make impact for you.

This is the time for your career to grow. There are career breakthroughs, major ones. Those looking for new jobs will find, there are patterns for rise, promotions and stagnation that was there since long with end. This is the year for your career to come into focus once again. Whatever you aspire, wherever you want to reach ,possibilities will be open .There is very good scope for job changes, expecting promotions ,moving to better role, assuming greater responsibilities .For the ones in business time is perfect for expansion, moving into new domains and new areas without fear. Time is also good to make a bold career switch, moving to own work. Starting new venture is also possible given you are prepared. You can well invest more money into your existing business. It’s time for your clients to grow. Overall there are extremely good patterns in work life. You should look ahead without being driven by past impressions. Trust your dreams, bring out your best, learn what’s required. When you leave fear, when you know and trust that past doesn’t determine you, you are sure to outgrow yourself and make a huge leap. Get set go, your career is going to accelerate brilliantly.

Financially as well this year is very rewarding. Your past woes will end your existing work life will start to yield greater gains. This is the time for new avenues to open up. You will gain more clients, your reach will expand and your business will grow very well making you financially secure .This is very good time to gain from share markets ,past investments and also help from family will come .Gains from selling property is also seen. Also, you can gain too from real estate. Note that as your work life is in growing stage, many of you can feel outflow as more that will be needed to initially set up infrastructure or gaining new skills. Nevertheless you should freely spend to upgrade yourself or to setup platform for your new work projects. Financially you are going to feel much more secure and this is one the finest years bringing you comfort and confidence.

There are positive trends as far as health area is concerned. Your health is going to get much better. It’s time to recover from earlier health setbacks and recover from any traumas, emotional stuff. If you are having any treatment then you can well consider changing the process, it will benefit you. This is the time when you will align your lifestyle well and will leave some rotten habits. It’s time to focus on your health without any further delays. It’s time to live in most optimal manner. Though in weaker phase of the year there can be issues related to stomach, backache, cholesterol and stress related as well. Also, some of the old health issues can also make a comeback hence weaker phase will act as reminder, they will come to test your progress and commitment levels in context of healthy lifestyle. 

When it comes to area of relationships, this is healthy, very constructive year as well. You are going to make many new friends, your social life is going to grow very well. This is very strong time to fall in love, many of you will meet love of your life and for those eligible, marriage is also seen. It’s very ideal and strong time for planning baby and those looking for can certainly see arrival of newborn. It’s the time when you can recover very well from earlier setbacks in relationships. Past year trends have been difficult showing isolation which will end now. It’s clearly the year for growth in personal and professional-social relationships. This is good time for expansion in generic people network as well. Those who are involved in any sort of creative, media, networking areas will find this year to be extremely helpful and full of possibilities, new insights. This is also good year for some problems to end in your family atmosphere.

Time this year is best though for the ones who are in pursuit for learning. For the ones who are engaged in any sort of learning, education, creative work or simply in gain of new skills, learning new talents, developing more wisdom, this is one of the best year. Students will excel, this is literally time to shine. Time is very good to pursue higher education and movement to different place and even to foreign lands can come. For professionals this is strong time (and need will arise) for gaining new skills, upgrading themselves and earning many certifications. Even if you are thinking to take a break and go back to learning, you can surely go ahead. This is also good year to have many travels, many with family, with friends. Some important Spiritual travels will also come this year.

Coming to timelines now. This year time from Feb to April is good and then from September onwards. Weaker phase is of January, May to July end. Career changes, setbacks, sudden events at work and in family can come here. Also for your health this is weaker phase and financially you can feel burden as well. In months of June-August you need care about health, your image specifically. Phase of October mid to November mid is also weak and will need care, though tolerable one. Your love life, health will need care in May to July end phase though financially you can see many gains coming in this weaker phase.

The real beauty of this year lies in the fact that this is just not the year to learn, to grow, to make progress in work but your Spiritual growth is also going to pick up immensely. Actually the underlying essence of this year is comprehensive growth and making your consciousness grow in all directions encompassing all aspects. You can certainly expect gain of more focus, your confidence will rise .Genuine Spiritual aspirants can expect initiation into higher practices, becoming more settled in your ongoing practices and finding stability on your path .Many of you can meet Guru, can go on long travels, live in places of Spiritual significance and many pilgrimages are also seen. You can develop new ideologies as well. For higher aspirants this is strong time to learn mantra-tantra and similar areas under guidance. Speaking generally this is the year for your intellect, wisdom both to grow hand in hand. It’s the year which becomes a milestone, which changes everything, and you never remain same person again. All you need is to believe yourself, your dreams and chase them passionately. Its your time.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon signs.

2.These articles are of generic in nature and visibility and intensity of events will vary from individual to individual. The reason is impact of personal time periods (Dasha) and also strength of signs in which Jupiter and Saturn will transit.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  
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